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  Cover Story
  Luo Zhuo: 15 Years of VC Endeavour
  He is a traveller and has beenup in the Himalayas and down tothe North and South Poles. He isa professional venture capitalistand has once created a legendryinvestment return of 300 times. Heis an enthusiastic photographer andis planning to publish a collection ofhis work. To Luo Zhuo, the foundingpartner of TusPark Ventures whatconnects such independent actives asinvestment, photography, travel is theattitude of perseverance, passion andperceptiveness towards new things,caution in preparation, patience, anddecisiveness in seizing opportunities.In the past fifteen years, LuoZhuo led his team to achieve thetransformation from and amateurentrepreneurial incubator into aprofessional venture capital institution,while adhering to the tenets that supportthe growth of entrepreneurial firms. In2007, Luo Zhuo assumed the positionof Managing Director of TusParkVentures and was involved in investingin more than 40 hi-tech hi-growthstartups. “We are not what a largescalefirm, but I hope to small androbust. We are confident and capableof doing what we do and become aninteresting and unique VC firm.”Luo Zhuo has persistently followedthis principle: a small and robustinvestment institution is to find earlystagestartups with high growthpotential, invest and facilitate businessto realise best performance, and thusachieve successful investment exit.On 19th December, 2012, Luo Zhuowas listed in Forbes China's BestVenture Capitalist. In 2010, he wasidentified as one of the Zhongguancunfirst “high-end leading talent - venturecapitalists”. In June of this year,Luo Zhuo awarded the letters ofappointment of “Angel DevelopmentCamp” as the dean of the camp, whichwas China's first public service trainingprograms initialised by ZhongguancunAngel Investment Association and cosponsoredby a number of other wellknowninstitutions and organizations,.These denote his achievements since1998, when he started working in theprivate equity sector.Luo Zhuo said that he is actuallya fun person, loved to travel andphotography. He hopes to be moredetached in the future, if possible.For someone with a strong sense ofresponsibility, this is obviously verychallenging. “My dream is that Iwon’t be at the frontline when I am55, because that would mean being atthe frontline for another 7 consecutiveyears. My responsibility from now onis to train young people, so that a newgeneration will grow up fast.”
  Top Talk
  NewMargin Ventures’ “reasonablerange” & “'not so reasonablerange”In 2013, “reform” and “venture”has become two key words of theinvestment community. The priorityfor NewMargin Ventures is transition.“Nationwide PE will becomenationwide venture creation, which iswhy we put more emphasis on investingin new ventures in 2013. PE used toaccount for 80%, but now only 20%, ofinvestment. which is significant.” saidFeng Tao, the founder and managingpartner of NewMargin Ventures.NewMargin Ventures have been inbusiness for 15 years, during which theamount of their managed investmenthave increased from the initial 60 millionyuan to more than 10 billion. Among the160 firm invested, 40 have completedIPO. As to this year's plan, Feng Taoexplained: “We have done reasonablywell within out ‘reasonable range’. Sowe now need to do well in those ‘notso reasonable range’. We will take outthree to four million yuan, and invest inearly stage VC. We will also tidy up ourexisting investment as well.”   Special Report
  An Overview of the DevelopmentAngle Investment in ChinaIn the first half of 2014, China hasdisclosed 199 cases of angel investors,with a total investment of 1.122billion yuan. This amount has alreadyexceeded that of the whole year of lastyear. Since some angel investmentprojects are not announced in public,the actual number of cases and the scaleof investment should be higher than theabove figures.Some names 2012 the first year ofangel investment in China. It seems thatangel investors have entered a goldenage of rapid development in 2014. Suchdevelopment of angle investment inChina is largely due to the country’simproving business environment andincreasing number of specialized angelinvestors. Nowadays, money requiredto verify the market value of startupis limited. It is also quicker to findout whether a start-up will be a failureor a success. These all make angelinvestments more attractive than ever
  Hong Weili: the AnastomosingRoad of Chinese-Type FOF and PED
  evelopmentHong Weili has over 20 years ofprofessional experience in overseascapi tal market s and f inancialinvestment. During the past ten years,when he worked in foreign investedfinancial institutions, Hong Weililed, invested and acted as financialadvisers for a number of firms, whichdeveloped well afterwards.Hong Weili transferred fromShanghai’s government office to theShanghai Stock Exchange in 1992, andbecame one of the founding membersof China's nascent capital market. Hehas worked on a number of importantregulatory secretary and managerialpositions afterwards.In 2013, Hong Wei l i joinedNoahWealth and became a partnerof the subsidiary Gopher Asset.Together with his team, he aims toseize the opportunities brought byChina's economic transformation andrelocation of global wealth, builda comprehensive FOF and directinvestment process. And, at the sametime, realise the grand blueprint of “bigcapital management”.
从目前的趋势看,今年亚洲风投机构的投资额有望创下新纪录。据“新兴市场私募股权协会”(Emerging Markets Private Equity Association)公布的数字,今年上半年,该地区发生的218笔风投交易总额达27.5亿美元,这一数字已接近2011年全年风投额28.5亿美元的水平,而那是过去五年来的最高纪录。今年上半年亚洲风投交易的领跑者是红杉资本,它完成了25笔交易。  来源
去年四季度以来,我国房地产行业面临较为严峻的挑战:空置率增加,去化率趋缓,销售价格下行;一、二、三线城市分化明显,二、三线城市房地产开发各项指标出现较大幅度下滑,一线城市也开始感受到市场的压力;地产金融调控趋严,多数银行均对房地产开发贷款实施了严格管控,中小型开发商获得银行贷款变得更为困难,大部分房企资金链趋紧,部分房企的资金链已完全断裂;大中城市如北京、上海等出现大型成熟物业转让潮,等等。  主
今年5月21日,国务院常务会议专题研究了政府创业投资引导基金的问题。国务院领导同志对进一步扩大创业投资引导基金的规模,切实改进引导基金的运作方式,更好地发挥引导基金对支持创业投资、促进创新创业的作用等一系列问题作出重要指示。国家有关部门正在制定并尽快发布具体政策措施,落实国务院常务会议精神。可以预见,我国各级政府创业投资引导基金将迎来一个新的快速发展的历史时期。  作为对未上市企业进行的股权投资,
过去30多年,中国的创业圣地中关村目睹了一代又一代创业者的崛起和消失。这种后浪赶前浪的迭代狂潮,成就了如今中关村的巨大吸附力。尽管这里有拥挤的交通、糟糕的空气,但你不得不承认,它一直是中国创业氛围和创业生态最地道、最完整的地区。  过去几年,中关村是中国天使投资最活跃的地方,汽车之家、聚美优品等众多创业新贵都起步于中关村,并在此拿到天使投资。更重要的是,包括创新工场在内的新的一批天使投资机构,也把
“十年国企,十年外资”。走过22年资本市场职业生涯的洪伟力选择了一个崭新的事业平台。这位歌斐资产PE及FOF管理掌门人的过往经历颇有些沧桑与传奇。洪伟力博士是有着海外基金管理经验的归国者之一,又在上世纪90年代初亲历了中国证券市场的诞生。作为现任歌斐资产合伙人,他还兼任着复旦大学金融专业硕士生导师和上海市国际股权投资基金协会副秘书长。  洪伟力拥有丰富的海外市场经验,他曾在施罗德基金管理集团伦敦总
“蓝天项目”是指有较大资源增长潜力的中小矿山项目。一般这类项目已经获取了采矿证,规模不大但具有探矿潜力,可以通过探矿增储、技术改造、产能优化等,释放矿山的真正价值。投资蓝天项目有五大优势:  一是投资机会多。截至2011年底,中国的非油气矿山总量达10.78万个,但大型矿只占3.45%,中小矿山所占比例大,机会多。  二是投资风险小。拟投资的中小矿山一般有经营现金流,有一定矿石保有量。相对于初级勘
2014年8月27日,中科泰能(北京)科技发展有限公司与中国科学院理化技术研究所就合作研发“新一代镍碳超级电容电池”签署了战略合作协议。中科泰能董事长马少华、中科院理化所产业策划部副部长张彦奇、国宏金桥基金CEO陈星座及多位嘉宾参加签约仪式。  中科泰能(北京)科技发展有限公司由北京东方财星国际资本有限公司与高能镍碳超级电容器的发明者中国工程院周国泰院士等人联合成立,拥有自主知识产权和专利技术,是
世界上最大的酒店集团“希尔顿全球”(Hilton Worldwide)近日宣布了进军移动技术领域的消息。未来,全球超过4000家希尔顿酒店的住客将有机会利用智能手机来预定客房并定制客房服务,甚至可以将手机作为客房钥匙使用。  五年前,希尔顿的住客已经可以通过网络办理入住手续,如今他们很快就能在自己的移动设备上直接选择想入住的具体房间,预定客房服务并办理退房手续。到明年,客人入住的时候甚至不必再到酒
聚焦开原  2014年8月17日,由国宏文化产业发展院院长马少华、国宏金桥基金合伙人辽宁金祥达投资管理有限公司总经理李宝芝率领的中科泰能考察团一行应邀到辽宁开原经济技术开发区考察。开原经济技术开发区党组书记、主任孙祥,党组副书记周杨热情接待了到访的考察团成员,并介绍了开原经济技术开发区的基本情况及优势。开发区领导对于中科泰能项目进驻开发区的可能性表现出极大的关注,考察团也对当地的投资与建厂环境作了