创新、转型 缔造绿色环保世界

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中国建材工程集团携手通用汽车共同开发建设GM全球太阳能屋顶电站和汽车充电站日前,中国建材国际工程集团有限公司(简称“中国建材工程集团”)与通用汽车及SUNLOGICS公司在通用汽车美国底特律总部签署合作备忘录,共同开发建设通用汽车全球太阳能屋顶电站和太阳能汽车充电站,计划总装机容量超500MW,项目总投资约20亿美元。首批将开展建设通用汽车全美15个厂房共60MW太阳能屋顶电站,项目由中国建材工程集团EPC总承包,合同额2.1亿美元,计划于2013年底建成。凯盛新能源品牌在国际舞台成功打响。 China Building Materials Engineering Group and GM jointly develop and construct GM Global Solar Roof Power Station and Vehicle Charging Station Recently, China State Building Materials International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (“China Building Materials Engineering Group”) and General Motors and SUNLOGICS Corporation in the United States General Motors Detroit Headquarters signed a memorandum of cooperation to jointly develop and build a global solar roof plant and solar car charging station, with a total installed capacity of over 500MW, the total investment of about 2 billion US dollars. The first batch will be the construction of General Motors 15 plants a total of 60MW solar roof power station project by the China National Building Materials EPC EPC contract value of 210 million US dollars, is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2013. Triumph new energy brand successfully started in the international arena.
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The power supply for dipole and 30 power supplies for quadruple of CSRm had been put into operation since the first commissioning in January. And the other smal
本刊讯 近日,金隅股份完成上市后首个年度非交易路演.路演期间,知名的华语媒体--香港无线电视台针对中央政府近期出台的一系列关于建材及房地产行业的宏观调控政策及其影响,
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