Doctor's Group Questions Anti--Bacterial Soaps

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有一种肥皂称Antibacterial(抗菌的)soaps,此外,还有其他声称能够抗菌的日常用品,如:lotions(洗液)and mouthwashes(漱口水)。本文对其广告宣传的作用(advertise themselves as fighting bacteria or microbes)表示了质疑。主要 原因在于:personal-care products may cause antibiotic resistance.本文提出一个重要的概念:excessive use of antibiotics。这使我们想起了中国的一句老话:过犹不及。 There are soaps called Antibacterial (antibacterial) soaps, and there are other everyday items that claim to be antibacterial, such as lotions and mouthwashes. This article questioned the role of advertising themselves as fighting bacteria or microbes. The main reason is: personal-care products may cause antibiotic resistance. This paper presents an important concept: excessive use of antibiotics. This reminds us of an old Chinese saying: It’s too late.
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