Linear free energy relationships between stability of complex and basicity of ligand Ⅶ. The copper(Ⅱ

来源 :Acta Chimica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexzc1984
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The formation constants of ternary mixed ligand complex compounds formed fromCu(Ⅱ)-2,2’-bipyridyl (bipy) with N-(para-substituted phenyl) glycines (pRPhG), Cu(Ⅱ)-1, 10-phenan-throline (phen) with N-(meta-substituted phenyl) glycines (mRPhG), Cu(Ⅱ)--bipy/phen with someα-aminoacids (αA) have been determined by pH method at 25℃ in the presence of 0.10 M NaClO_4.It was found that linear free energy relationships do exist between the stability of ternary complexcompounds and the base strengths of the ligands in all four ternary systems investigated. The stabi-lity of the ternary complex compounds was discussed in terms of ΔlogK_M and log X values. It wasfound again that linear relationships exist between Δ log K_M, log X and p K_2 in the Cu (Ⅱ)-phen-mRPhGternary system. The formation constants of ternary mixed ligand complex compounds formed from Cu (II) -2,2’-bipyridyl (bipy) with N- (para-substituted phenyl) glycines (pRPhG) (phen) with N- (meta-substituted phenyl) glycines (mRPhG), Cu (Ⅱ) -bipy / phen with some α-aminoacids (αA) have been determined by pH method at 25 ℃ in the presence of 0.10 M NaClO_4. It was found that linear free energy relationships do exist between the stability of ternary complex compounds and the base strengths of the ligands in all four ternary systems investigated. The stabi-lity of the ternary complex compounds was discussed in terms of ΔlogK_M and log X values. It wasfound again that linear relationships exist between Δ log K_M, log X and p K_2 in the Cu (II) -phen-mRPhGternary system.
1.渗碳液的特性: 制备渗碳气氛所使用的有机液体化合物,希望在高温下容易分解、具有一定的碳势、而且不损伤工件、价格要便宜。有机化合物依炭原子的结合状态分类情况如表1
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现在已经是3月6号了,大约是中午了吧,今天是那个胖子的生日,他已经34岁了。 34,对他来说是个应该记住的数字,他对它太熟悉不过了,这是他在LAKERS的号码,这个数字曾经伴随着他
该行星铣螺纹头用于加工如图1所示工件的内螺纹。内螺纹孔前端过渡扣数只有一扣,且距底平面只有3毫米,二级精度,光洁度为5,零件材料为ZOSn6-6-3。 图2示出行星铣螺纹头的结构
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