
来源 :人民法治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Puzzling600
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2015年我国全年GDP增长率为6.9%,低于前些年的增长速度,不少产品继续呈现过剩态势,多数行业、多数企业都面临转型升级,中高速增长或将成为常规趋势,国家经济正处于转轨时期。受此影响,各级法院尤其是基层法院,近年来或将面临新课题、新难题,法院和法官应未雨绸缪,提前做好准备。企业、职工与其他实体的经济纠纷开始增多。在国家经济新形势下,企业之间的兼并、重组、主辅分离、转产转型、多元化经营等业已全面拉开,企业停产、关闭、破产的案件数量不断上升,"僵 In 2015, China’s annual GDP growth rate was 6.9%, lower than the growth rate in previous years. Many products continued to show an excess trend. Most industries and most enterprises are facing transformation and upgrading, and medium and high-speed growth will become a regular trend. The national economy Is in transition period. Affected by this, courts at all levels, especially grassroots courts, will face new problems and new challenges in recent years. Courts and judges should take precautions and be prepared in advance. Economic disputes between enterprises, employees and other entities have started to increase. Under the new national economic situation, the merger and reorganization of enterprises, the separation of primary and secondary industries, transformation and transformation, and diversification have all started in an all-round way. The number of cases in which enterprises stop production, shut down and go bankrupt is on the rise.
New England is the name given to six northeastern states of the United States: Maine,New Hampshire,Vermont, Massachusetts,Rhode Island and Connecticut.The six s
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