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中共黑龙江省建设集团党委共有党组织308个,其中党委31个,总支部19个,支部258个,共计党员3713人。集团拥有房屋建筑、道路桥梁、建筑安装、水利水电、科技创新、投融资、地产开发7个业务板块,共有二级权属企业9家,三、四级企业71家,在册职工1.6万人,年拉动社会就业近20万人。在集团党委指导下,集团在中国承包商80强企业中名列第31位,连续名列黑龙江百强企业前10强。集团党委紧紧抓住“两学一做”学习教育这根主线,认真落实党要管党、从严治党责任,按照全国国有企业党的建设工作会议精神的要求,集团各级党委加大了企业党组织“两个核心”的建设,企业党的建设工作全面跃升至一个全 CPC Heilongjiang Construction Group Party Committee 308 party organizations, of which 31 party committees, 19 general branches, branches 258, a total of 3713 members. The Group possesses 7 business segments of building, road and bridge, building and installation, water conservancy and hydropower, technological innovation, investment and financing and real estate development. There are 9 second-level ownership enterprises, 71 third- and fourth-level enterprises with 16,000 registered employees, In pulling nearly 200,000 people in society. Under the guidance of the party committee of the Group, the Group ranked 31 among the top 80 Chinese contractors and the top 10 consecutive top 100 top 100 Chinese enterprises in Heilongjiang. The party committees of the Group firmly grasp the main line of “two studies and one education” to study and educate, conscientiously implement the party’s governing the party and strictly administer the party’s responsibilities. In accordance with the requirements of the spirit of the conference on state-owned enterprises’ construction work, the party committees at all levels Increased the building of enterprise party organizations and “two cores”, and the construction of enterprises has jumped to a full scale
本文对河北招兵沟低品位磷矿进行了综合选矿研究,提出浮选—弱磁—重选—磁选工艺,获得了磷精矿(P_2O_5 35%)、钒铁精矿(TFe 67%)、钛精矿(TiO_2 45%),回收率分别为95%、26%
目的通过观察麝香乌龙丸对大鼠佐剂性关节炎(Adjuvant Arthritis, AA)模型垂体组织形态及促肾上腺皮质激素(adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH)、β-内啡肽(β-endorphin, β-EP)表达的影响,探讨麝香乌龙丸治疗类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoid arthritis, RA)的镇痛作用机制,为其临床应用提供实验与理论依据。方法将60只雄性