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《湖南省环境保护暂行条例》,经过一年多的调查、起草和修订工作,已于一九八一年五月三十一日由省五届人大常委会第九次会议批准,正式颁发施行。这个条例的颁布,对于推动我省环境保护工作,有着重要的作用。必须肯定,几年来我省在开展环保工作方面,是积极努力的,已经取得了一定的成绩,但这仅仅是开端,在局部范围内污染有所减轻,从全省说污染仍然没有控制住,环保工作的任务是极其艰巨的,要求我们进一步加强领导,发动和依靠群众,调动各方面的积极性,坚持不懈地抓下去。目前,各地区、各部门、各单位应当认真组织学习《条例》,广泛宣传《条例》,使广大干部群众了解《条例》的主要精神和各项规定,自觉地贯彻执行。各级领导要带头增强法制观念,带头贯彻执行条例的各项要求,努力抓好环保工作。所有地区、部门和单位,都要在学习、宣传《条例》的过程中,联系实际,明确自己的任务和工作的重点,制定有效的措施,把环保工作向前推进。环保部门要深入调查研究,正确掌握政策,加强管理和监督。 Provisional Regulations on Environmental Protection in Hunan Province, after more than one year of investigation, drafting and revision work, was approved by the Ninth Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People’s Congress on May 31, 1981 and was officially promulgated . The promulgation of this regulation plays an important role in promoting the environmental protection in our province. It must be affirmed that in recent years our province has made active efforts in carrying out environmental protection work and has made some achievements. However, this is only the beginning. Pollution in some areas has been reduced. Pollution from the province is still beyond our control. The task of environmental protection is extremely arduous. It requires us to further strengthen leadership, mobilize and rely on the masses, mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties and persevere in grasping it. At present, all regions, departments and units should conscientiously organize study and study of the Regulations and extensively publicize the Regulations so that the cadres and masses will understand the main spirit and various provisions of the Regulations and implement it conscientiously. Leaders at all levels should take the lead in enhancing the concept of the legal system, take the lead in implementing the requirements of the regulations, and make every effort to do a good job in environmental protection. All regions, departments and units should, in the process of learning and promoting the “Regulations,” make concrete efforts to establish practical and effective measures to make environmental protection work progressively in line with the reality by specifying the priorities of their tasks and work. Environmental protection departments should conduct in-depth investigations and studies, correctly grasp the policies and strengthen management and supervision.
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