名牌创“出” 逸而犹劳

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名牌是企业的金字招牌,是市场的通行证,也是信誉的象证,畅销的保证。名牌是厂家、商家的必争之宝。名牌产品凝聚着众多人的心血、智慧和辛劳,一旦成功,受益无穷。然而,在市场竞争白热化的情况下,产品出名了,牌子打响了,企业经营者更要有处于逸而犹劳的战备状态,狠下功夫千方百计去保护它、发展它。创名牌难,守名牌更难。如何守法,窃认为要抓好三个基本环节: 一是商标注册。商标是商品的一种特殊标记,商标一经注册即受到法律保护,具有明显的排它性。它便于消费者识别和选购商品;监督和保证商品质量;保护企业正当权益;促进销售,是竞争取胜的一个重要手段。正如有关专家说:“商标是市场经济的产物,是竞争的利器,又体现着竞争的秩序。”当今国内外成功的企业都极为重视商标建设,把商标看成比黄金还贵重的产权。在我国,从 The brand name is the company’s gold sign, is the market pass, but also the credibility of the evidence, the best-selling guarantee. Brand name is a must-win for manufacturers and merchants. Brand-name products embody the painstaking efforts, wisdom and hard work of many people. Once they succeed, they will benefit greatly. However, with the intense competition in the market, the product became famous, the brand started, and the company’s business operators had to be in a state of alertness and preparedness, and every effort was made to protect it and develop it. It is difficult to create brand names and it is even harder to keep brand names. How to abide by the law, stole that we must grasp three basic links: First, trademark registration. A trademark is a special mark of a commodity. Once a trademark is registered, it is protected by law and has obvious exclusion. It is convenient for consumers to identify and purchase goods; supervise and guarantee the quality of goods; protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises; and promote sales, which is an important means for competition to win. As relevant experts said: “Trademarks are the product of a market economy, a weapon for competition, and a competitive order.” “Successful companies at home and abroad have attached great importance to the construction of trademarks, and treat trademarks as valuable assets that are more valuable than gold.” . In our country, from
我院对张家宅、武定两街道于1988年一季度发生甲型肝炎(下称甲肝)4263例按上海市防疫站规定的“传染性肝炎病家防治记录”进行随访。所得资料经MPF-PC/XT微机、dBASE Ⅲ数据
作者把24名HBsAg携带儿童随机分两组。年龄范围1.5~5岁,治疗前6个月检查其血清HBsAg、HBeAg、HBV-DNAp HBV-DNA阴均性,且无症状。治疗组行r_2-干扰素肌注,剂量为10×10~6IU/m