优化投资环境 突出发展重点 努力实现西秀经济跨越式发展

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为实现西秀经济跨越式发展,按照十六大提出“发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措”的要求,中共西秀区委、区人民政府年初确立了2003年经济和社会发展的“一一四一”发展思路,即“统一一个思想、营造一个环境、突出四个重点、实现一个目标”。统一思想。围绕“发展是执政兴国第一要务”的思想,在全区掀起新一轮解放思想的热潮,把思想统一到一心一意谋发展上来。坚持从实际出发,从制约西秀区发展的“瓶颈”入手,在区情认识上、在发展地方经济上、在工作方法和工作重点上进一步解放思想,转变观念,用新的眼光、新的思路、新的办法看待新事物,研究新情况,解决新问题。通过理论创新,推动 In order to realize the leapfrog development of the west show economy, in accordance with the requirements of the 16th CPC National Congress that “there should be new ideas in development, new breakthroughs in reform, a new situation in opening up and new developments in all fields of work, and new initiatives in all fields”, the Xixiu District At the beginning of 2003, the people’s government of the Central Government and the district government established the development idea of ​​“one in four one” for economic and social development in 2003, namely, “unifying an idea, creating an environment, highlighting four key points and achieving a goal.” Unify thoughts. Focusing on the idea that “development is the top priority for governing and rejuvenating the country”, a new round of upswing in emancipating the mind has been set in the region to unify our thinking with one heart and one mind and seek development. Adhere to the actual situation, starting from the “bottleneck” that restricts the development of Xixiu District, we should further emancipate our minds, change our concepts and use new perspectives on the development of local economy, on the development of local economy, and on the working methods and priorities. New ideas, new ways of looking at new things, studying new situations and solving new problems. Through theoretical innovation, promote
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