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2016年9月29日,工信部、国家标准化管理委员会正式印发《绿色制造标准体系建设指南》(以下简称《指南》),旨在贯彻落实《中国制造2025》战略部署,全面推行绿色制造,加快实施绿色制造工程,进一步发挥标准的规范和引领作用,推进绿色制造标准化工作。《指南》提出,到2016年,完成绿色制造标准化工作的顶层设计,建立起绿色制造标准化管理与协调机制,初步形成绿色制造标准体系。到2020年,制定一批基础通用和关键核 On September 29, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Standardization Management Committee formally issued the “Guidelines for the Construction of a Green Manufacturing Standard System” (hereinafter referred to as the “Guide”) to implement the strategic deployment of “Made in China 2025”, promote green manufacturing in an all-round way, and speed up implementation. The green manufacturing project further standardizes and leads the standard and promotes green manufacturing standardization. The “Guide” proposes that by 2016, the top-level design of the green manufacturing standardization work will be completed, a green manufacturing standardization management and coordination mechanism will be established, and a green manufacturing standard system will be initially formed. By 2020, develop a batch of basic common and key nuclear
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介绍德国陆军及其野战炮兵在苏联解体后进行整编的内容、目标、原则和概况。 Describe the contents, objectives, principles and general situation of the reorganizatio
尽管英国脱欧为英国社会和经济带来了不小的震动,对航空工业和航空运输业也产生了一定的影响,但从长期来看,对航空维修业的影响存在着很大的不确定性。 Although the Brexit