发挥政策叠加效应 推动非公经济跨越发展

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2012年10月23日,甘肃省委省政府出台了《关于推动非公有制经济跨越发展的意见》,政策叠加成为甘肃省非公经济发展前所未有的最大机遇。从《国务院关于中西部地区承接产业转移的指导意见》到《甘肃省循环经济总体规划》,从《西部大开发“十二五”规划》到《国务院办公厅关于进一步支持甘肃经济社会发展的若干意见》等一系列政策,提供了转型跨越、超常规发展的良机。笔者认为,工商部门在政策叠加期推动非公经济跨越发展,应着力发挥五个作用:一是以项目建设为载体,继续加强项目建设和服务主体工作。突出项目支撑的主体地位不动摇,全力抓好西城产业开发区、郭城工业集中区、现代草产业科技园区等重点项目的服务工作。推行招商引资项目“提前介入、全程服务”。对一些招商引资和涉农的重大紧急事项做到急事急办、特事特办,积极促成“兰洽会”签约项目4个, On October 23, 2012, the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government promulgated the Opinions on Promoting the Non-public Ownership Economic Leapfrog Development, and the superposition of policies became the biggest opportunity unprecedented in the development of non-public economy in Gansu Province. From the “Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Undertaking Industrial Transfer in Central and Western Regions” to the “Gansu Circular Economy Master Plan”, from “Planning for Development of the Western Region” and “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” to “General Plan of the State Council on Further Supporting Economic and Social Development in Gansu Province” A number of opinions “and a series of policies that provide an opportunity for the transition across the ultra-conventional development. The author believes that the business sector should promote non-public economy in the policy superposition period by leaps and bounds and should exert five functions. First, take the project construction as the carrier, continue to strengthen the project construction and service main work. Prominent project support the main body status waver, fully grasp the Xicheng Industrial Development Zone, Guo industrial concentration area, modern grass industry science and technology park and other key projects of service work. Implementation of investment projects ”early intervention, full service “. For some investment and agriculture-related major emergency matters urgently do something urgent, special event, and actively contributed ”Lan Qia Hui " signing project 4,