A new protocol of wide use for e-mail with perfect forward secrecy

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computer & Electron | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cg120900230
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Recently, Sun et al. (2005) highlighted the essential property of perfect forward secrecy (PFS) for e-mail protocols when a higher security level is desirable. Furthermore, Sun et al. (2005)’s protocols take only a single e-mail server into account. Actually, it is much more common that the sender and the recipient register at different e-mail servers. Compared to existing protocols, the protocol proposed in this paper takes into account the scenario that the sender and the recipient register at different servers. The proposed protocol is skillfully designed to achieve PFS and end-to-end security as well as to satisfy the requirements of confidentiality, origin, integrity and easy key management. The comparison in terms of functionality and computational efficiency demonstrates the superiority of the present scheme. Recently, Sun et al. (2005) highlighted the essential property of perfect forward secrecy (PFS) for e-mail protocols when a higher security level is desirable. Furthermore, Sun et al. (2005) ’protocols take only a single e -mail server into account. Compared to existing protocols, the protocol proposed in this paper takes into account the scenario that the sender and the recipient register. at different servers. The proposed protocol is skillfully designed to achieve PFS and end-to-end security as well as to satisfy the requirements of confidentiality, origin, integrity and easy key management. The comparison in terms of functionality and computational efficiency demonstrates the superiority of the present scheme.
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