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檫树长足象鼻虫Alcidodes sp. 是檫树的主要害虫,主要危害檫树的主梢和侧梢。连年受害的檫树,主干弯曲,生长受到严重影响。1979年6月至1981年9月,我们在江西省万载县官元山林场和仙源公社设固定观察点,对该虫的生物学特性与防治方法进行了研究。一、分布与危害从目前掌握的情况看,湖南、江西两省已有分布。据江西省近年病虫普查和专门调查,目前该虫仅分布宜春地区,以万载县分布较多,且受害较重。该虫主要危害檫树、樟树,其次危害猪脚楠、红枝柴。幼虫、成虫均可危害梢内髓心和木质部;成虫还可取食皮层、叶子和嫩梢。连年受害的主梢多头、丛生,主干弯曲。我们在不同的条件下,对22块标准地550株檫树进行了测定,平均受害率为71.7%,最高达100%。其中,主梢被害率平均为59.6%,最高达 Creeping tree weevil Alcidodes sp. Is a major pest of poplar trees and mainly harms the shoots and laterals of poplar trees. Year-old tree victims suffer, trunk bending, growth is seriously affected. From June 1979 to September 1981, we set up fixed observation points at Guanyuanshan Forest Farm and Xiangyuan Commune in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province. The biological characteristics and control methods of this insect were studied. First, the distribution and damage From the current situation, Hunan, Jiangxi provinces have been distributed. According to the survey of pests and diseases in Jiangxi Province in recent years and a special investigation, the pest is currently only distributed in Yichun area, distributed more frequently in Wanzai County and harmed. The main insect pest tree, camphor tree, followed by endanger pig’s feet Nan, red branch firewood. Larvae, adults can endanger the medulla and xylem; adults can also eat the cortex, leaves and young shoots. The main shoot victims for so many years, clusters, trunk bending. Under different conditions, we conducted a total of 550 samples of 22 trees in 22 standard areas, with an average victimization rate of 71.7% and a maximum of 100%. Among them, the main shoot damage rates averaged 59.6%, up to
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1970年以来,六盘山林区营造了4万亩针叶林,但目前仅保留下5000亩幼林。其存活率低的主要原因之一,是由于栖息于造林地中的中华鼢鼠Myospalax fontanieri cansus食害幼树,致
阴、冷、烂、锈田是我县主要的低产田。究其低产原因,除阴冷烂锈本身的直接影响外,还要分罪于喜在此类田中生长繁殖的眼子菜(Potamogeton franchetii)、矮慈菇(Sagittavia py
桃小食心虫(Carposina niponensis Walsingham)是凉山州苹果、梨等果树的重要害虫,有的果园虫果率达80%以上。 我们利用中国科学院动物研究所提供的桃小食心虫性外激素橡皮塞
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