Woman Pesters Ex-Lover with 1,000 Calls a Day

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昔闻法国一男为获一女子的爱情,曾经创造了一日之内打300多电话之记录。今有一香港女子一日之内打1000个纠缠电话(注:似乎不宜称作“骚扰电话”)之奇闻。文中有一表达the barrage of calls,选注者将其中的the barrageof加注为:连珠炮似的。这是正确的。Barrage的本义是:掩护炮火,转义是:(指说话或写作)倾泻。如:a barrage of questions/连珠炮似的问题。英语的这个用法比较特殊,有兴趣的读者不妨再读本期的“语法与词汇”栏目中落飞洛写的短文。 In the past, when a man in France was loved by a woman, he created a record of more than 300 calls within a day. One Hong Kong woman is now hitting a thousand entangled telephone calls within a day (note: it should not be called “harassment calls”). In the article there is an expression of the barrage of calls. The caller raises the barrageof to be a shotgun. this is correct. Barrage’s original meaning is: cover fire, escaping: (referring to speaking or writing) pouring. Such as: a barrage of questions / like problems. This usage of English is rather special. Readers who are interested may wish to read the short essays of Luo Fei Luo in the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section of this issue.
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