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二、颧骨与颧弓骨折:颧骨外突内凹,左右各一,近似四方形骨,与额骨、上颌骨、颞骨和蝶骨大冀相联接,并参予眼眶底壁,上颌窦与颞窝的构成。颧弓由颧骨的颞突和颞骨的颧突连接而成,骨骼较细。当颧骨与颧弓一旦遭受创伤,均易发生骨联接处折裂、分离、移位,甚至粉碎或缺损。平时以交通事故或其它意外损伤居多,战时火器伤以弹片伤为常见。如合并上颌骨复杂骨折,可占面中部骨折55~81%(Perino,1984)。分类:颧骨与颧弓骨折的分类方法很多,如根据解剖部位,结合临床提出的六型分类法(Knight & North,1961)(表1);通过尸体实验性研究,结合临床提出的五型分类法((尹立乔)1960);把眶底骨折和眶缘骨折单独列为一型,提出的八型分类法(Rowe,1968);笔者结合伤型和治疗上需要,把新鲜骨折和陈旧性骨折明确分开,提出的二类七型分类法(孙弘、王贤椒,1979)(表2),对上述不同分类方法可参考选用,但认为不论何种分类方法,其最终目的在于方便治疗,如能紧密结合临床治疗上的需要进行分类,则会更加合理和实用。 Second, zygomatic and zygomatic arch fractures: zygomatic convex concave, about one each, similar to the square bone, and the frontal bone, maxillary, temporal bone and sphenoid big Ji connected to the orbital floor, the maxillary sinus Composition with temporal fossa. Zygomatic arch by the temporal process of the zygomatic temporal and zygomatic processes connected to the bone, the smaller the bones. When the cheekbones and zygomatic arch once suffered trauma, are prone to fracture joints, separation, displacement, and even smash or defect. Usually to traffic accidents or other accidental injuries mostly, firearm injuries to shrapnel as common. Such as the merger of maxillary complex fractures, may account for 55 ~ 81% of midfacial fractures (Perino, 1984). Category: The classification of zygomatic and zygomatic arch fractures are many, such as according to the anatomical site, combined with the clinical classification of six types (Knight & North, 1961) (Table 1); by cadaver studies, combined with the clinical proposed five Classification (Yin Liqiao) 1960); the orbital floor fracture and orbital margin alone as a type, the proposed eight-type classification (Rowe, 1968); the author combined with injury and treatment needs, the fresh fracture and old Fracture clearly, the proposed two types of seven types of classification (Sun Hong, Wang Xianjiao, 1979) (Table 2), the different classification methods can refer to choose, but that no matter what the classification method, the ultimate goal is to facilitate the treatment , If it can be closely integrated with the clinical needs of the classification, it will be more reasonable and practical.
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因为一次考试失败,就垂头丧气。因为做错了一件事,就觉得自己什么都不行。因为别人一句责备的话,就抬不起头了。……这些都是自卑的心理在作怪,如何排除这些干扰呢? Because
一、研究原因    家庭贮藏柜中经常会存放一些不能放在冰箱里的食品。可是,储藏柜通常没有像冰箱那么密封。所以,经常会有一些小虫爬入储藏柜,偷吃储藏柜里的食物。这样一来,这些食品就被糟蹋了。  可是,又不能往食物上喷杀虫剂,怎么办呢?    二、研究过程    (一)我们的猜想  听说,四季柚皮上的白筋很苦。我心想:虫子肯定不喜欢苦味,能否用四季柚皮上的白筋来防虫子呢?  (二)初步实验  我小心翼