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在目前物价上涨率高、企业资金又短缺的两难形势下,很难大幅度放松银根,下半年国家只能是采取微调措施,经济运行将基本保持上半年态势,这就决定了汽车市场只能保持平稳运行的基本格局,既难以出现大的回升,也不会有大的跌落。1、汽车价格将保持基本稳定。观察近几次汽车市场的周期性波动可以发现汽车价格的变动是有规律的。在收缩期,初始阶段急剧下降,然后开始缓慢下降,直至平稳;进入扩张期后,初始阶段,汽车需求的增加首先促进汽车供给的增长,当需求增加到供给不能满足时才带动价格初步上涨,直到进入扩张期后一阶段才会出现汽车价格迅猛上涨的局面。今年下半年汽车市场正处于由收缩期向扩张期转移的过程中,汽车价格总体水平将保持基本稳定的大趋势,当然不排除一些偶然因素促使部分品种价格升降的可能性。 Under the current dilemma of high rate of price inflation and shortage of funds for enterprises, it is very difficult to ease monetary policy. In the second half of the year, the state can only adopt fine-tuning measures and its economic operation will basically maintain the first half of the year. This determines that the automobile market can only Maintaining a stable pattern of basic operations is not only hard to show a big recovery, nor will there be a big drop. 1, the car prices will remain basically stable. Observe cyclical fluctuations in the car market in recent times can find the car price changes are regular. In the systolic phase, the initial stage declined sharply and then began to decline slowly until it became stable. After entering the expansion period, the initial stage of the auto stage increased the demand for automobiles, which in the first place promoted the growth of automobile supply. When the demand increased to the point where supply could not be met, Until the expansion phase after a period of rapid rise in car prices will appear. In the second half of this year, the automobile market is in the process of transition from systole to expansion. The general price level of automobile will maintain a basically stable trend. Of course, it is not ruled out that some chance factors will push the price of some varieties up and down.
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一只长着大大眼睛的喵星人降落到东京,从此开始它在东京浪漫而快乐的生活。  你在哪里,过着怎样的生活呢?  请用带着猫小姐Tokyo生活足迹的生活小物,记录下自己生活中的一点一滴……  LANCY CAT  近来网络上流传着一组超萌的猫咪文具,名为“LANCY CAT”,产品包括各种可爱的马口铁盒、记事簿、扑克牌、公交卡套、文件夹、鼠标垫等,最突出的特点就是猫咪可爱的拟人化姿态,并且每只猫咪都拥有大