
来源 :农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:VIPYJS
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自十一届三中全会以后,农村经济发展很快,乡镇企业更是一马当先,逐步成为农村经济的重要支柱。然而,近年来,国家加强了对经济发展的宏观控制,乡镇企业发展的外在环境条件发生了很大变化,过去被视为乡镇企业发展的一些有利条件已经或正在逐渐丧失。笔者认为,乡镇企业只有转换发展模式,改革管理体制,发展横向经济联合,才能在日益复杂多变的环境中求得生存和发展一.发展乡镇企业要从追求产值、速度的数量型模式转到追求效益,全面发展的质量型模式上来。自从党的工作重点转到经济工作上来以后,经济发展水平就成为衡量各级党政机关政绩及决定他们升迁留任的标准,而其最主要的考核指标是产值。由于形成了这种考核各级干部政绩的机制,使得各级干部努力寻求能增大产值的捷径。这种情况在经济较落后的 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the rural economy has developed rapidly and township and village enterprises have taken the lead and gradually become an important pillar of the rural economy. However, in recent years, the state has tightened macro control over economic development, and the external environmental conditions for the development of township and village enterprises have undergone great changes. Some of the favorable conditions that were seen as the development of township and village enterprises have been or are gradually being lost. The author believes that township and township enterprises can only survive and develop in an increasingly complex and ever-changing environment by transforming the development model, reforming the management system, and developing horizontal economic alliances. Development of township and village enterprises should shift from the quantitative model of pursuing output value and speed. The pursuit of efficiency, the development of a comprehensive model of quality. Since the party’s focus shifted to economic work, the level of economic development has become a measure of the political performance of party and government organs at all levels and the criteria for their promotion and retention. The most important assessment indicator is the output value. As such a mechanism for assessing the achievements of cadres at all levels has been formed, cadres at all levels have sought to find shortcuts that can increase output value. This situation is less economical
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生命的旅途上,总有那么一些不能忘却的温暖留存在心底。最寒冷的日子里,只要想起这些温暖,我们就有了继续向前走的勇气和力量。 Life’s journey, there are always some ca