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奥运会吉祥物一般以东道国有代表意义的动物和文化形象为创作原型。在夏季奥运会中,吉祥物首次出现于1972年的慕尼黑。此后,吉祥物便成了奥运会的传统并不断发展成为奥运形象的主导因素之一,体现举办国多彩的民族文化和特色,也体现着统一的奥林匹克精神、理想和价值观。 Olympic Games mascots are generally represented by the host animal and cultural images as the prototype. The mascot first appeared in 1972 in Munich during the Summer Olympics. Since then, mascot has become the traditional Olympic Games and continue to develop into the image of the Olympic Games one of the leading factor, reflecting the hosting country colorful ethnic cultures and characteristics, but also reflects a unified Olympic spirit, ideals and values.
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以规划编制为龙头,以基础设施为依托,以社会管理为手段,以产业布局为支撑,科学统筹城乡建设,促进新型城镇化、新型工业化和农业现代化。 With planning as the lead, relyin