
来源 :武汉财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ewen2005
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我省已组建工会的乡镇企业日益增多,这些企业如何做好拨交上解工会经费工作,笔者对此谈几点看法。我认为,解决好这个问题,首先要从实际出发,正确理解影响乡镇企业拨交工会经费的一些特点。核算拨交工会经费的两大因素是企业全部职工人数和工资总额。乡镇企业的特点,首先是工资发放时间不固定,多数乡镇企业在有经济收入时才发放工资;工资发放数额也不稳定,效益好时多发,差时少发;从业人员没有固定工与临时工之分,职工自由选择企业,企业自由选择职工,流动性较大。因此,无法固定工资发放数额;其次,从实际情况看,乡镇企业经 The number of township and village enterprises that have set up trade unions in our province has been on the increase. How do these enterprises handle the funds appropriated to the trade unions? The author has several opinions on this. In my opinion, to solve this problem, we must first proceed from reality and correctly understand some of the characteristics that affect the funds allocated by the township and village enterprises to trade unions. The two major factors that account for the appropriation of union funds are the total number of employees and the total amount of wages in enterprises. The characteristics of township enterprises, first of all, the wage payment time is not fixed, the majority of township enterprises pay when there is economic income; the amount of wage payment is not stable, the benefits of good time and frequent, less fat less; employees do not have regular workers and temporary workers The division of workers free choice of enterprises, enterprises freely choose workers, greater mobility. Therefore, the amount of wages can not be fixed; Second, from the actual situation, township enterprises
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根据中共中央关于进一步治理整顿和深化改革的决定和全国财政会议精神,当前工会财务部门要努力做好以下工作: 一、坚持量入为出原则,努力实现对务收支预算平衡。这些年来,我
新年的钟声携着清新的晨光沐浴着我们的身心,象翅膀发亮的天使带来温馨和吉祥。 岁月飞过金秋的灿烂,严冬的岑寂,飞过绮丽的绿水峻秀的青山,衔来一个崭新的1999年! 南国消晨
本报讯近日,伊顿连续第7次荣登道德村协会(Ethisphere Institute)公布的2013年度“全球最具商业道德企业榜”。多年来,伊顿在企业社会责任领域获得了广泛的认可,最近在相关方
企业是推进技术进步的主战场,依靠技术进步,两眼向内,练好内功、真功,增强企业活力,尤为必要。 Enterprises are the main battlefield for advancing technological progre
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