
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xielidan2005
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目的:了解北京市西城区近10年育龄妇女死亡的主要原因及发展趋势,为妇幼保健工作有针对性地采取防治措施和政府指导妇女卫生工作提供依据。方法:对北京市西城区1999~2009年15~49岁755例育龄妇女死亡资料进行回顾性调查分析。结果:1999~2009年西城区共监测管理育龄妇女2 353 690例,发生死亡755例,育龄妇女死亡率为32/10万。死亡原因前三位依次为恶性肿瘤(29.3%)、意外死亡(21.7%)、心血管疾病(17.0%),其中恶性肿瘤的前三位依次为胃癌(11.3%)、乳腺癌(7.2%)、肺癌(6.0%)。死亡地点发生在医院560例,占74.2%;在途中死亡29例,占3.8%;在家中死亡166例,占22.0%。死亡年龄主要分布在40~49岁,以恶性肿瘤为死因首位;15~29岁年龄段以意外事故占死亡原因首位。结论:西城区1999~2009年育龄妇女死亡率低于全国城市(96.7/10万)和世界最低地区(51.83/10万),说明西城区两癌筛查效果显著,注重育龄妇女身心健康及加强对育龄妇女的健康教育。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the main causes and development trends of the death of women of childbearing age in Xicheng District in Beijing in the past 10 years, and provide the basis for maternal and child health care to take targeted prevention and treatment measures and government guidance on women’s health. Methods: A retrospective investigation was made on the death data of 755 women of childbearing age aged 15-49 years from 1999 to 2009 in Xicheng District of Beijing. Results: From 1999 to 2009, a total of 2 353 690 women of childbearing age were monitored and managed in Xicheng District. There were 755 deaths and 32/10 million women of child-bearing age. The top three causes of death were malignant tumor (29.3%), accidental death (21.7%) and cardiovascular disease (17.0%). The top three malignant tumors were gastric cancer (11.3%), breast cancer , Lung cancer (6.0%). The death occurred in 560 hospital cases (74.2%), 29 died on the way (3.8%), and 166 (22.0%) died at home. The age of death is mainly distributed in the 40 to 49 years old, with malignant tumor as the first cause of death; 15 to 29 age group accounted for the first cause of death accidents. Conclusion: The mortality rate of women of childbearing age from 1999 to 2009 in Xicheng District is lower than that of the national cities (96.7 / 100000) and the lowest in the world (51.83 / 100000), indicating that the screening results of the two cancers in Xicheng District are significant and the physical and psychological health of women of childbearing age and emphasis Health education for women of childbearing age.