
来源 :水运科学研究所学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:btxzero
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交通部水运科学研究所环境保护研究工作起步于1973年,环境保护研究室成立于1975年,是国内最早的环保研究单位之一。水运科学研究所环境保护研究室(水运所环保室)是一个以港口,船舶防污染,海洋环境保护以及环境工程设计的综合性研究设计室。20多年来,环保室不断发展壮大,逐步完善研究手段,配备了红外、紫外、荧光、原子吸收分光光度计,气相色谱仪,液相色谱仪,大气检测仪,粒子测定仪,以及各类专项测试仪器,具有条件完备的化学实验室和生物实验室,配备486/586微机近10台,室内建有小型机房一座。水运所设施齐备的CAD试验室及实验基地的计算机模拟试验室面对全所 Research Institute of Marine Transport Institute of Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Research started in 1973, the Environmental Protection Laboratory was established in 1975, is one of the earliest environmental research unit. The Institute for Environmental Protection of Water Transport Institute (Water Transport Office) is a comprehensive research and design office with port, ship pollution prevention, marine environmental protection and environmental engineering design. For more than 20 years, the environmental protection room has been continuously developing and expanding, and gradually refined its research methods. It is equipped with infrared, ultraviolet, fluorescence, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, atmospheric detector, particle analyzer, Test equipment, with the conditions of a complete chemical laboratory and biological laboratories, with 486/586 microcomputer nearly 10 units, a small room built a room. Water transport facilities equipped CAD laboratories and experimental base of the computer simulation laboratory in the face of the whole
以石太高速公路补强纵断面设计为例,采用动画形式分析坡长、竖曲线半径变化对行车立体景观的影响,并编制了相应程序。 Taking the design of reinforced longitudinal secti