宝宝腹泻别急 饮食调治有招

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婴儿腹泻是常见的症状。发生的原因很多,其中喂养不当是最为常见的原因。找到具体原因后,采取适当的方法调整饮食,不用吃药、打针,腹泻就可不药而愈。 婴儿不会说话,难以准确地表达自己的意愿。怎样才能找到腹泻的具体原因呢?这个问题看似困难,其实却很简单──细心观察 Infant diarrhea is a common symptom. There are many reasons for this, among which the most common cause is improper feeding. Find the specific reasons, take appropriate measures to adjust the diet, do not take medicine, injections, diarrhea can not medicine and more. Babies do not speak and can not accurately express their wishes. How to find the specific cause of diarrhea? This problem seems difficult, but it is actually very simple ─ ─ careful observation
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