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作文速成训练新探速练法工要用于对行将毕业,但由于没有进行严格系统的说话、写话、片断、篇的作文训练而不具备写作能力或写作能力很差的小学后进毕业班学生,进行高速、有效的写作训练,使学生的写作能力在一学年内达到大纲要求。(一)从内容入手,利用间接材料,教会... A quick test of new skills for quick training of conscripts is required to graduate students who are unable to write or write essays, writings, short stories or articles. Students who do not have writing skills or writing ability are very poor. , to conduct high-speed, effective writing training so that students’ writing skills meet the outline requirements within one school year. (a) Start with content, use indirect materials, church...
自然界的万事万物都有其内在的规律,语文教学也不例外.揭示规律,培养能力,方能使学生从被动学习之境走上主动学习之路. Everything in the natural world has its own inter
Passage 1In the past,young married couples often had children right aftergetting married.They didn’t ask themselves if they had the desire tostay up at night
I.Structure and Vocabulary (20 points) Section A In each sentence, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably compiete the sentence if inserted
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According to experts in the business,the com- petition pattern in the world aluminium can ma- terial market will experience changes before 2008.China may become
随着生活节奏的加快、工作生活压力的加重, 人们越来越喜爱用各种花卉装点自己的生活物件和空间,舒缓紧张的工作所带来的压力,并寄情感于花卉,与花卉达成一种无声的情感交流。花卉消费已渐成时尚,成为新的消费热点。     产品介绍:    “袖珍植物”又名“贴身小宠物”是一种全新、独特的花卉观赏、培植概念,它将红掌、粉掌、凤梨、蔓绿戎、也门铁、鸿运草、仙人掌、水晶莲等植物利用组织培养技术培养微型植物,然后
项目介绍:    “七彩夜光摇头卡通泥人”采用几种全国各地都能买到的材料制作出来的,用此技术可在2到3分钟内用手捏出孙悟空、猪八戒及龙、虎、马、牛、羊、兔、老鼠、鸡、猴子、蛇、猪、狗等造形。并可制作出kity猫、流氓兔、皮卡丘、蜡笔小新、青蛙公仔、小熊、大花猫、百灵鸟等逗人喜爱的卡通造形,产品表面上看去色彩绚丽,润滑如玉、晶莹透亮、形态万千,而且在漆黑的夜里,都会发出彩色的亮光,让人爱不释手,尤其
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