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黄领麻纹灯蛾Spilotoma imparilis Butl(=Diacriciaimparilis Butl)在昆明地区是多种果树,林木和农作物上的害虫。主要寄主有梨、桃、苹果、杏、柿子、梅、李、海棠、石榴、板栗、核桃、滇楸、青桐、榆、皂荚、刺槐、国槐、黄连木、柏、柳、女贞等。其中梨、苹果、桃、滇楸受害最重,严重时可将整株树叶全部食光,仅留下叶脉,呈现一片枯黄,影响翌年花芽的分化,影响产量和削弱村势,为此探索一些高效,低毒,低残毒的杀虫剂来防治黄领麻纹灯蛾是有现实意义的。 Spilotoma imparilis Butl (= Diacriciaimparilis Butl) is a pest on a variety of fruit trees, trees and crops in Kunming. The main host pear, peach, apple, apricot, persimmon, plum, plum, begonia, pomegranate, chestnut, walnut, Sorbus, Qingtong, elm, acacia, locust, Sophora japonica, Pistacia, cypress, willow, privet and so on. Among them, pears, apples, peaches and cathay were the hardest hit. In severe cases, all the leaves of the whole plant were eaten, leaving only the veins, showing a yellowish color, affecting the differentiation of the flower buds of the following year, affecting the yield and weakening the village’s potential. Efficient, low toxicity, low residues of pesticides to control yellow-collar moths moth is of practical significance.
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长距茧蜂(Macrocertrus sp.)分布广泛,发生数量稳定,适应性强,遍布于温带及亚热带。在调查地区中,只要有松梢螟分布的地区都有长距茧蜂,甚至在松梢螟幼虫极少或幼树零星生长
今年四月是我国的第十二个税收宣传月,为在全社会弘扬“依法诚信纳税,共建小康社会”的税宣主题,进一步增强公民的诚信纳税意识,广州市地 April this year is the 12th tax
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