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江苏植茶,起源于三国,初兴于两晋、南北朝,盛于唐朝,衰于清末。《宜兴县志》载:“离墨山在县西南五十里……山顶产佳茗,芳香冠他种”。离墨山,是三国时吴国的国山,国山也产茶,唐代诗人杜牧题《宜兴茶山诗》“山实东南秀,茶称瑞草魁”三国吴主孙皓,每宴群臣,无不以七升为限,《吴书·韦曜传》:“曜素饮酒不过三升,初见礼异时,常为裁减,或密赐茶荈以当酒”。由此就产生了以茶代酒之趣闻。足见当时茶叶已成为封建统治阶级的饮料。但茶树种植业上,很少有成片的茶山,仅局限于寺院近傍山谷间,或零星的农家隙地,山僧每岁采制几斤精茶,秘不示人,作为山宝奇珍。从两晋到南 Jiangsu tea planting, originated in the Three Kingdoms, early Hing in the Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sheng Tang in the decline, decline in the late Qing Dynasty. “Yixing County,” contains: “Mohs in the county southwest of fifty miles ... Top producing good tea, aromatic crown him.” Moishan, is the Three Kingdoms Guo Guoshan, Guoshan also produce tea, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu entitled “Yixing Dasan Shi,” “Mountain is southeast show, tea called Swiss grass Quebec,” the three main Wu Sun, each feast ministers, All are limited to seven liters, “Wu Wu Wei Biography”: “Yao Su drink but three liters, first time courtesy, often cut, or close thanks to tea 荈 to be wine.” This gave rise to the anecdote of tea generation. At that time, tea leaves had become the feudal ruling class beverage. However, on the tea tree planting industry, there are seldom Dasan tea hills that are only limited to nearby valleys or sporadic peasant families’ gap. From the two Jin to the south
In order to investigate the effects of cytokine fusedgene transfection on tumor cell modification, threeretroviral vectors for human interleukin 6 (IL-6),inter
nm23基因与消化道肿瘤王伟岸于皆平沈志祥湖北医科大学附一医院消化科湖北省武汉市430060SubjectheadingsDigestivesystemneoplasms/geneticsGenes,suppressor,tumor主题词消化系统肿... Nm23 Gene and Gastrointestinal Tumor Wang Wei’an Yu Jieping Shen
Previous reports indicated that the difference ofMHC-Ⅰ and Ⅱ between donor and recipient was criticalfor the occurrence of allogenic rejection or graft versu