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所谓校企合作,顾名思义,指的是学校与企业双方参与人才培养过程共同建立起来的一种合作办学模式。这一概念起源于欧洲,到上世纪中叶,欧美等发达国家为了高效率地培养技术技能人才,各国纷纷效仿,对教育制度进行改革,并陆续出台相关法律。在社会飞速发展的当下,各个行业的竞争都格外激烈,其中也包括教育行业。不少高校为了能够抓好教育质量,选择了自谋出路、求自身发展——与企业进行合作。与企业合作,实践与理论相结合的全新理念,为教育行业发展带来了一片春天。校企合作符合当下社会市场所需,学生入学就等于有了工作,毕业就等于是就业,解决了高校毕业生就业困难的问题。通过与企业合作的方式,有针对性、目的性的为企业培养专业性人才。让学校能在此过程中创新人才培养模式,同时创建学校与企业之间长期合作办学机制,从而达到提高成人教育质量、满足经济社会发展需求的目的。 The so-called school-enterprise cooperation, as the name implies, refers to the school and enterprise involved in the process of personnel training to establish a cooperative mode of running a school. This concept originated in Europe. By the middle of the last century, developed countries like Europe and the United States started to reform the education system in order to cultivate skilled and skilled personnel with high efficiency. Various laws were promulgated. In the rapid development of society, competition in various industries is particularly fierce, including the education sector. Many colleges and universities, in order to be able to do a good job in education, have opted for their own ways and seek their own development - to cooperate with enterprises. With the business cooperation, practice and theory of the new concept of integration for the development of the education industry has brought a spring. School-enterprise cooperation in line with the current needs of the social market, student enrollment is equivalent to a job, graduation is equivalent to employment, to solve the employment problems of college graduates. Through the way of cooperation with enterprises, targeted, purpose-oriented enterprises to develop professional talent. In this process, schools should innovate the training model of qualified personnel and meanwhile create a long-term cooperative school-running mechanism between schools and enterprises so as to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of adult education and meeting the needs of economic and social development.
本文主要以城市建成区为例,介绍了目前国内外对于城市建成区现状的提取技术、提取过程中出现的不足以及未来遥感提取技术的发展方向。以武汉市landsat 8遥感影像为主要数据源