Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Ruminal Redox Potential and pH in Dairy Cattle: In

来源 :农业科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweewqqwe123
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The ruminal redox potential (Eh) can reflect the microbiological activity and dynamics of fermentation in the rumen. It might be an important indicator of rumen fermentation in combination with pH. However, the ruminal Eh has been rarely studied in dairy
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目的 调查浙西地区临床标本酵母样真菌感染与耐药情况。方法 对浙西地区三家医院2005年共4210份送检的标本常规分离,并对分离出的酵母样真菌进行药敏实验。结果 4210份标本分