药物性自动症是指服用适量安眠药后,接着自己又不自觉地再次或反复服用,以致过量,而事后又不能回忆者。我们在临床上遇到1例,现报告如下: 患者,男,28岁,未婚,工人。于78年4月5日住院。患者于10多天前,晚上八时许,因昏睡、不能唤醒而急诊住入某医院。入院时呈浅昏迷状态,剧痛刺激可作声,但不能回答问题,继之进入昏迷。体温37℃,心率76次/分,呼吸弱而慢,12次/分,血压100/60。双侧瞳孔稍散大,对光反应存在。腱反射迟钝,双侧对称。偶见Babinski(+)。脑脊液检查正常。胃液巴比妥酸盐测定(+)。经高锰酸钾溶液洗胃、硫酸镁导泻、10%葡萄糖液和碳酸氢钠溶液静脉滴
Pharmacological autoimmune refers to take the amount of sleeping pills, and then they unconsciously again or repeatedly taking, resulting in overdose, but can not recall later. We met in clinical cases in 1, are as follows: Patients, male, 28 years old, single, workers. On April 5, 78 in hospital. More than 10 days before the patient, eight o’clock at night, due to lethargy, can not wake up and admitted to a hospital. When admitted to a shallow coma state, severe pain stimulation can make a sound, but can not answer the question, followed by into a coma. Body temperature 37 ℃, heart rate 76 beats / min, weak and slow breathing, 12 beats / min, blood pressure 100/60. Bilateral pupil slightly scattered, light reaction exists. Tendon reflex slow, bilateral symmetry. Occasional Babinski (+). Cerebrospinal fluid examination was normal. Gastric barbiturate assay (+). Gastric lavage by potassium permanganate solution, magnesium sulfate catharsis, 10% glucose solution and sodium bicarbonate solution intravenous drip