
来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haschie
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南京产E - 545电解质分析仪 ,是采用流动式、直接法进行测量的分析仪 ,其工作流程是通过蠕动泵由吸样针吸入一定量样本 ,再进入电极测量室中进行测定 ,测定完毕后 ,样本再进入废液瓶 ,最后由打印机打印出结果。因为电极测量室容量较小 (80 μl) ,所以该机的管道直径都很小 , Nanjing E-545 Electrolyte Analyzer is an analyzer that uses the flow and direct method to measure. Its working procedure is to inhale a certain amount of sample from the sample suction needle through the peristaltic pump, and then enter the electrode measurement chamber for measurement. The sample enters the waste bottle and the printer prints the result. Because the capacity of the electrode measurement chamber is small (80 μl), the pipe diameter of the machine is very small.
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1 故障现象该机普通摄影时,按下摄影开关Ⅰ档SK1后旋转阳极启动,控制台内听到继电器吸合不稳的振动声,再按下摄影开关Ⅱ档SK2后,摄影继电器SC不吸合,无X线产生。2 分析检修打开控
故障现象一 :在机器刚好接通电源时 ,SW2 ,SW3同时跳闸 ,机器无法正常工作。故障分析与排除 :因为此机器在开机过程中 ,系统有一个自检过程 ,而现在一开机就跳闸 ,说明机器母板上
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This paper presents an improved elastic net to identify relevant genes for cancer classification. By introducing the data-driven weight coefficients, the improv
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