Onions and Garlic 洋葱与大蒜

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  Onions and Garlic
  Long ago there lived two brothers, Joshua and Eli. They lived on a farm and were very poor. Joshua worked hard every day. Eli was lazy and didn’t like to work.
  One day, Joshua heard of a kingdom far away. This kingdom didn’t have onions!Hmmmm, thought Joshua. If I could sell them onions, they’d pay a lot of money!He asked to see the king and was granted an audience1. Joshua told the king about the onions and the king was curious2. He invited Joshua to make a big feast3 with many dishes prepared with onions.
  That evening, the king and his guests tasted the dishes. Everyone agreed, the onion made everything taste so much better!The king smiled from ear to ear. He said to Joshua, “These onions are the most precious4 thing in my kingdom. In return for them, I will give you their equal weight in the most precious thing I have—diamonds.” Joshua was rich at once and returned to his village with a wagon full of diamonds.
  Joshua shared his wealth but his brother Eli was still very jealous5. He asked Joshua if this kingdom has garlic. Joshua thought and said, “In fact, they don’t have any garlic.” Hmmmm, thought Eli. If I could sell them garlic, I’d be very rich. Garlic is much tastier than onions.
  Eli traveled to the kingdom as his brother had done. Just like Joshua, he got an audience with the king and made a feast. And just like Joshua, the king announced garlic the most precious thing in his kingdom. The king said, “I will give you their equal weight in the most precious thing in my kingdom. Onions!”
  1. grant an audience接见,召见 2. curious adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的
  3. feast n. 筵席,宴会 4. precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的
  5. jealous adj. 妒忌的;猜疑的
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