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近来,贵阳市川、评、越等剧团,接连上演了几个现代剧,受到了群众的热烈欢迎。继评剧团上演自编的《江姐》以后,川剧团又在舞台上展现了《红岩》中更多的英雄形象。虽然还只演了上集,但是,通过和毛人凤的面对面斗争,朗诵掷地有声的“自白诗”等难忘的埸面,许云峯、成崗等共产主义战士的光辉塑象和崇高品质,已经深深地感动了观众,特别是使青年一代受到了较深刻的阶级教 Recently, Guiyang Sichuan, Ping, Yue and other troupes, staged several series of modern drama, by the masses a warm welcome. Following the performance of the troupe staged self-compiled “Jiang Jie”, the Sichuan Opera Troupe again demonstrated more heroic images of Hongyan on the stage. Although only played the first episode, through the face-to-face struggle with Mao Renfeng and the unforgettable appearance of the celebrated “Confessions Poetry”, the glorious statues and noble qualities of communist fighters such as Xu Yunfeng and Cheng Gang have been deep Deeply touched the audience, especially the younger generation has been a deeper class teaching
The resistance of 15 flue-cured tobacco varieties were identified by artificial inoculation of black shank. The results showed that K326,Yunyan 202 and NC102 be
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九六行业推优揭晓 伟图软件榜上有名 中国软件行业协会九六年度推荐优秀软件产品活动,日前在京落下帷幕,伟图财务商务软件榜上有名。这是伟图软件继1996年底通过国家财政部
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Objective:To evaluate the in vitro antifungal activity of extracts,resins,oils and mother tinctures from plants against the filamentous fungi Fusarium guttiform