CD4+ T cells from behcet patients produce high levels of IL-17

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Purpose: To investigate the role of interleukin (IL)- 17-producing CD4+ T cells in Behcet disease (BD).Methods: Blood samples were drawn from eight BD patients with active uveitis, eight BD patients with inactive uveitis and eight normal controls, respectively. PBMCs were prepared from heparinized blood by Ficoll-Hypaque density-gradient centrifugation. Peripheral CD4+ T cells were purified by Human CD4 Microbeads (MACS). The purity rate of CD4+ T cells was detected using flow cytometry. Purified CD4 + T cells were stimulated with or without anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies in the presence or absence of recombinant-IL-23 (rIL-23) or recombinant-IL-12 (rIL-12) for 72 hours. The concentrations of IL-17,IFN-γ and IL-4 in the collected supernatants from CD4+ T cells were measured using a Duoset ELISA Development kit.Results: The results showed that the levels of IL- 17 and IFN-γobserved in active BD patients were significantly higher as compared with those in inactive patients and normal controls.There was no significant difference concerning IL-4 production between BD patients and normal controls. rIL-23 significantly augmented the production of IL-17 by CD4+ T cells from both BD patients and normal controls.Both rIL-23 andrIL-12 could increase IFN-γproduction by CD4+ T cells fromBD patients and normal controls.Moreover, the effect of rIL-12 was more robust compared with that of rIL-23.NeitherrIL-23 nor rIL-12 exerted any effect on IL-4 production.Conclusion: rIL-23 can promote the prodution of IL-17 levelsmay be related with the intraocular inflammation of Behcetpatient.
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