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拖拉机在使用期间,定期采取清洁、检查、清洗、添加、调整、紧固、修复等技术措施,即称为保养。“定期”的间隔叫做保养周期。目前,在操作、监测水平还不太高的情况下,定期保养对消除故障隐患和延长使用寿命有着重要的作用。保养周期可按工作时间、工作量和主燃油消耗量计算确定。工作时间,是指拖拉机累计达到一定工作时间之后,就须进行某级某号保养。工作量,是指拖拉机完成一定工作量之后就需要进行某级某号保养。主燃油消耗量,是指拖拉机消耗一定主燃油后,就要进行某级某号保养。按主燃油消耗量确定保养周期较合理,按工作时间计量比较方便,可从按工作时间变为按主燃油消耗量来确定保养周期,即用长期统计各种型号拖 Tractors in the use of regular cleaning, inspection, cleaning, adding, adjusting, fastening, repair and other technical measures, known as maintenance. “Regular” intervals are called maintenance intervals. At present, in the operation, the monitoring level is not too high, regular maintenance to eliminate hidden dangers and prolong the service life of an important role. Maintenance cycle according to working hours, workload and the main fuel consumption calculation to determine. Working hours, is the total number of tractors to reach a certain working time, you must carry out a certain number of maintenance. Work load, refers to the tractor to complete a certain workload after the need for a certain level of maintenance. The main fuel consumption, refers to the tractor consumes a certain amount of main fuel, it is necessary to carry out a certain number of maintenance. According to the main fuel consumption to determine the maintenance cycle is more reasonable, according to the working time more convenient measurement, according to the working hours into the main fuel consumption to determine the maintenance cycle, that long-term statistics of various types of drag
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【這样的我】  我出生在重庆,性格泼辣,个性直率,自幼能歌善舞。入伍后,成为了一名文艺战士,在为官兵服务的舞台上绽放魅力风采、挥洒辛勤汗水;军营生活虽然有点苦,但我无怨无悔,是军营锻造了我,让我实现了人生的价值和梦想。  【魅力评语】  多才多艺的你,就像一朵含苞待放的玫瑰,是青春方阵中一颗闪耀的星,你有你的坚守,你有你的追求,军营成就了你,塑造了你完美的自我,你是战友心中永远光芒四射的“小太阳”
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讨论了配制高性能混凝土应注意的问题。 Discussed the problems that should be paid attention to when preparing high performance concrete.
【這样的我】  我很幸运能够穿上这身橄榄绿,在部队这个大熔炉里我不断变得成熟,我学会了理解和宽容,在自己的岗位上,认真对待每一件事,始终用最高的标准去完成它。我的格言:没有最好,只有更好。  【魅力评语】  你在自己的岗位上抒写着自己的青春,完成从一名地方任性女孩到合格武警战士的蜕变,你融入到这个光荣的集体,在平凡的岗位中绽放出别样的光彩。  【战友团】  武警贵州省总队医院全体官兵