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冬天采了,春天就不会很远。冬来之时将盼春。春是美梦,是希望,也是开端。春是桃花源,可以安抚人的倦意;春是气象,可以鼓舞人的精神;春是兴奋剂,可以激活人的潜能;春是生命力,可以代谢人的慵懒;春是精灵,可以开启人的梦想。儿时印象,春的消息总是伴随着书香味从小学课本上的图片中得来:鲜嫩的绿芽从枝条上露出,轻盈的燕子在柳垂金线中来回穿梭,背腹部的黑白二色经脖颈中红色的点缀显得非常清亮,这种黑白红绿构成的图像记忆就是春讯。事实上,通常大年过后,人们还沉醉在幸福和安详的时光中,节气已到了立春,风没有了寒冬的凛冽,鸭子也感知到水暖了几分,然而春姑娘远远没有到来,北方大地和 Winter mining, the spring will not be far away. When winter comes spring hope. Spring is a dream, hope and beginning. Spring is a peach blossom source, which can calm people’s tiredness. Spring is a meteorological and inspiring spirit. Spring is a stimulant that can activate people’s potential. Spring is a vitality that can metabolize people’s laziness. Spring is a fairy and can be opened dream. Childhood impressions, the news of the spring is always accompanied by the smell of the book from the pictures on the textbooks of primary schools: fresh green shoots emerge from the branches, light swallow shuttle back and forth in the willow hanging gold line, black and white dorsal abdomen of the neck through the neck Red embellishment is very clear, this black and white image memory composition is spring news. In fact, usually after the New Year, people still indulge in the happy and serene time, the solar terms has come to the beginning of spring, the wind is not cold and biting, the duck also felt plumbing a bit, but the spring girl is far from coming, the northern land with
二氧化钛、氧化亚铜和硒化铜纳米材料由于优良的催化、光电转化、磁性能及气敏性等特点,在多方面得到广泛应用。由于材料的性能易受形貌、结构、晶型及尺寸的影响,因此,设计并控制合成具有特定形貌和结构的二氧化钛、氧化亚铜和硒化铜材料具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文采用溶剂热法、水热法、牺牲模板法分别制备了空心Ti O2纳米球、球形Cu2O、八面体形Cu2O和中空硒化铜等微纳米材料,并以SEM、TEM、XRD、
使用液相外延法在InAs 衬底上制备了铟砷锑磷外延薄膜材料.高分辨率X 射线衍射结果及SEM截面图样表明,薄膜材料晶体质量较好,与InAs 衬底间的失配度为0.4 %.结合HRXRD及EDS 元
  Reviews of electronic products are important resources for manufacturers to gather feedbacks from customers.Meanwhile,theyre acted as an crucial reference f
随着半导体制备发展到45nm 及以下技术节点,对光栅的线宽和外形的控制要求越来越严格,因此在光刻过程中对聚焦/曝光剂量(focus/dose)需要更加严格的控制.以椭偏测量技术为核