
来源 :读与写(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szmms
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步入初三,我们没有了嬉戏玩乐的心情,取而代之的是繁重的作业、频繁的考试和不断变换的名次排序。初三人,百炼成钢,早已习惯了一切……NO.1习惯了晚睡早起古训说:“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。”这话被许多初三人奉为至理名言。所以,每天下晚自习后,你会看到一群四眼兄妹走出教室时还抱着一撂辅导资料。初三人本着坚决不浪费国家一分电的原则,坚持每晚看书直到熄灯。而且每每读书读得入迷, As we entered the third year, we did not have the feeling of playing and having fun. We replaced it with heavy work, frequent examinations, and constantly changing rankings. The first three people, who have become tempered with steel, have become accustomed to everything... NO.1 I used to sleep late and get up early. The old training said: “I have to suffer from bitterness and suffering, and the party is the best person.” This was said to be the reasoning of many third men. So, after each evening of the study, you will see a group of four-eyed brothers and sisters holding a tutorial while walking out of the classroom. The first three men insisted on the principle of not using a nation’s electricity, insisting on reading every night until they turned off. And every time I read it, I’m fascinated.
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为探讨年龄相关性黄斑变性的免疫炎症反应机制,采用real-time PCR及ELISA检测β-淀粉样蛋白1-40(Aβ_((1-40)))刺激RPE细胞后IL-33 mRNA及蛋白水平表达,并采用ELISA检测IL-33
要永远耐住寂寞而不头脑发热,要稳步前行而不急功近利。思路决定出路,心态决定状态。 It is necessary to endure loneliness forever and not to gain a warmer mind. We m
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无为香杉迎来不速客  大理,天气常如二三月。  1942年3月25日,就在这样气候宜人的大理,无为寺来了三位中年游客,从衣着及举止上看,这是非同一般的来客。他们从城里滇西警备司令部所在地杜文秀帅府出发,一路走一路谈,健步直前,乐而忘倦,连抬滑杆的伕子和扛枪的卫兵在后面都几乎跟不上。一直到了崇圣寺以北的五里桥,从平坦的公路拐上崎岖的缓坡时,他们才想起应当以滑竿代步了。他们之中那位穿一身白色西装书生模