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为陶冶大学生爱国主义情操,树立为祖国建功立业的理想抱负,使其成为跨世纪崭新一代,为促进社会主义精神文明,活跃校园文化娱乐生活,推动大学生歌曲创作活动丰富健康向更高层次发展,中华全国学生联合会、国家教委艺术委员会、中国青年杂志社、海口飞驰实业有限公司决定从即日起到今年9月份,在全国各大专院校学生中举办“首届中国校园民谣‘飞驰杯’大赛”活动。校园民谣是在90年代大学生中悄然兴起的一股清新质朴,情感真切,内容风格多彩多姿的歌曲新潮,这些新歌均是由大学生自己作词作曲,自己演奏演唱的,他们唱身边的人,唱身边的事,唱自己真实的感受,反映了 In order to cultivate the sentiments of patriotism among college students and establish the ideal aspirations of building a successful career for the motherland, it has become a brand new generation of the cross-century. In order to promote socialist spiritual civilization, revitalize the campus culture and entertainment life and promote the enrichment and health of college student songwriting activities to a higher level, National Federation of Students, the State Board of Education Arts Committee, China Youth Magazine, speeding Industrial Co., Ltd. Haikou decided from now until September this year, colleges and universities across the country to hold “the first Chinese campus ballad ’Cup’ ”activity. Campus ballad is quietly emerging in college students in the 90’s a fresh, simple, emotional content style colorful song trendy, these new songs are composed by the students themselves lyricist, playing their own singing, they sing the people around, singing The things around me, singing my true feelings, reflected
<正> 海金沙具有抗菌、排石、利胆作用,但未见其促进生发,用于治疗脱发的报道。本次从激活毛囊以及对诱发脱发原因之一的雄激素睾酮活性抑制的观点探讨了其约理作用。 方法及
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BRCA1、BRCA2是近年来被认识的一类抑癌基因 ,其变异与乳腺癌及卵巢癌的肿瘤易感性有关 ,在乳腺癌发生过程中起重要作用。本文就有关BRCA1、BRCA2的基因定位、结构、产物分析
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为了解浙江省食盐加碘质量和人群尿碘水平的变化情况,选择较有代表性的临海、余杭、象山、兰溪四个县的加工厂(场)、销售店、居民用户的三个环节进行现场观察,结果报告如下:1 材料
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