
来源 :思想理论教育导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paradoxfxx
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校训是学校精神的核心,具有导向、育人、激励、凝聚和约束等思想政治教育功能。研究高职院校校训思想政治教育导向具有重要意义。对江苏省15所国家示范性(骨干)高职院校校训的研究表明,高职院校校训思想政治教育导向主要体现在:居首理想信念教育,重视培养“可靠接班人”;崇尚诚信敬业品质教育,弘扬社会主义核心价值观;用中国梦激扬青春梦,用工匠精神彰显“合格建设者”;重视正向态度修养,培养踏实务实作风;认同自身文化命脉,秉承优秀精神基因。同时也存在大道不济定位低、顾此失彼存失衡等教育导向偏颇的现象,需要从与时俱进“释义”校训、创新校训表达方式上不断纠偏。 School motto is the core of school spirit, and it has the functions of guidance, education, encouragement, cohesion and restraint and other ideological and political education. It is of great significance to study the guidance of ideological and political education in the school motto of higher vocational colleges. The research on mottoes of the model (backbone) vocational schools in 15 provinces of Jiangsu Province shows that ideological and political education motto of mottoes in higher vocational colleges is mainly embodied in the following: fostering ideals and beliefs, attaching importance to training “reliable successors”; Integrity and dedication of quality education, carry forward the core values ​​of socialism; with the dream of China to promote youth dreams, with the spirit of artistes demonstrated “qualified builders”; emphasis on positive attitude to cultivate pragmatic style; identity their own cultural lifeline, uphold the spirit of excellence . At the same time, there are also some problems such as the poor orientation of the avenue, the unbalanced orientation of education, the deviation from the education orientation, and the need to keep on correcting the motto of “Interpretation” and the motto of innovative school motto.
婴幼儿长期呼吸障碍严重影响呼吸道和心肺功能 ,有时引起呼吸和心跳停止。作为呼吸障碍的原因 ,多半由于腺样体和扁桃体肥大所致上气道阻塞 ,适宜手术治疗。文章对 18例不满
民国时期的四川“射德会”,不仅延续了华夏传统体育文明,而且其筹创经过、赛事雅趣都极具巴蜀地方文化特色,其衰亡也是时代变迁的结果。 During the Republic of China, Sic
The projected shell model is applied to the nucleus 129La. The present results of theoretical calculations about the one-quasiproton bands are compared with exp