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一、重点报道要突出。就是要把正确的声音突出出来,加强正面引导,开成舆论强势。唱响主旋律,打好主动仗,牢牢掌握新闻宣传的主动权。“三个代表:重大时政,重大活动,成就宣传、典型宣传,要认真组织,充分报道,开成合力。二、理论宣传要统一。就是统一到邓小平理论和”三个代表“重要思想上来,绝对不能出现杂音、噪音和不协调的声音。内部研讨、学术研究的一些观点,在公开报道时必须慎重。对各种以收费为目的或各种协会、学会名义举办的研讨班、培训班,以及同中央精神相悖的一家之言,个人观点不要随意报道。三、形势宣传要鼓劲。对形势的分析判断要统一到中央的决策部署上来,坚持团结稳定鼓劲,正面报道为主,不要把问题放大、炒热,给人以问题成堆的感觉。四、经济宣传要扎实。多宣传实实在在的成虹,实实在在的事情。始终坚持发展是硬道理,使人们看到希望,充满信心。对经济政策的宣传要准确,严防备取所需,严防曲解,不能出现导向偏差,要鼓劲,干实事,报实绩,出[实效。五、文艺宣传要健康。要注意同整个宣传基调相合拍、相协调,着力为党的十六大营造良好的舆论氛围。要及早动手,策划好选题,制作好节目,掌握好节奏。着力解决格调不高、低级庸俗,片面追求收视率的问题。适时推出一大批健康向上,好听好看的文艺节目,把主旋律唱响。 First, highlight the key points to be highlighted. It is necessary to highlight the correct voice, strengthen the positive guidance, open into a strong public opinion. Sing the main theme, lay the initiative battle, firmly grasp the initiative of public information. Three Represents: Major Events, Major Events, Achievements and Propaganda, and Typical Propaganda, We Must Seriously Organize, Fully Report, and Work Together. (2) The Propaganda of Propaganda Should be Unified. It is Important to Unify Deng Xiaoping Theory and ”Three Represents " Ideas, no noise, noisy and uncoordinated voice .Internal discussions, some of the academic research point of view, must be cautious in public reports.For various fees for the purpose or various associations, seminars held in the name of the Society, Training courses, as well as the words contrary to the spirit of the Central Committee, personal point of view should not be free to report Third, the situation should be encouraged to promote the analysis of the situation to determine unified decision-making to deploy to the Central Committee uphold the principle of unity, stability and encouragement, positive coverage, not to Fourth, economic propaganda should be solid, more publicity real Rainbow, the real thing. Always adhere to the development is the last word, so that people see hope, Full of confidence. Propaganda on economic policies should be accurate, prevent preparation for the need to prevent misinterpretation, can not lead to deviation, to encourage, do practical work, reported actual results, We should pay attention to coordinating with the keynote of the whole propaganda and make concerted efforts to create a good public opinion atmosphere for the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We should start as soon as possible, plan the topics well, make good programs and master the rhythm. Style is not high, vulgar vulgar, one-sided pursuit of the issue of ratings, timely launch a large number of healthy, good-looking and good-looking literary programs, the main theme of singing.
[摘 要]任何一门学科的课程内容都含有德育内容。英语作为一门人文学科,具有较强的人文性和实践性,其教学内容蕴含着丰富的德育资源,这些对学生的价值观、爱国主义精神、社会公德意识、劳动意识、环境意识的培养都起着重要的作用。英语教师可以用教师人格魅力,影响学生健康发展;也可以利用英语教材,塑造学生良好的品质;还可以利用英语教材和丰富的英,塑造学生良好的品质。  [关键词]英语 教学 学生 德育  在德、
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[摘 要]《新课标》要求学生自主性学习,这对于语文老师来说是一个全新的理念,自主学习意味着较高的自觉性、选择性和监控性,这是素质教育的要求,是培养独立学生创新学习、终身学习的前提与基础。  [关键词]自主性学习 语文教学  《新课标》要求学生自主性学习,这对于语文老师来说是一个全新的理念。自主学习意味着较高的自觉性、选择性和监控性,这是素质教育的要求,也是培养独立学生创新学习、终身学习的前提与基础
[摘 要]比较不同文学作品时,首要任务是熟悉作家作品并在此基础上“求同”,进而在同一层面上寻找差异,才能揭示文学现象的本质意义。  [关键词]求同存异 孤独者 零余者  在解读现当代文学作品时,我们常常会试图比较两个或两个以上作家的作品,如何才能在不同的文学作品中发现它们之间的联系及各自的独特性呢?这是比较文学中最基本也是最重要的问题。对于这个问题,首先,熟悉作家作品共同之处——“求同”。任何的文
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