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高考指挥棒不变,学生负担就减不下来:高考指挥棒不变,素质教育就无法真正实现:高考指挥棒不变,追求升学率的现象就不会改观……这样的话在社会上流行着, 似乎教育领域里出现的某些过程性问题都可以归结为这根指挥棒惹的祸。真是这样吗?不是!上海市教育考试院院长李瑞阳说: “这是社会对高考认识的误解”那么,理由呢? 当我们把自实行自主命题以来,上海高考改革20年的脉络完整梳理一下,就会找到充分的理由--“小步走不停步,先试点再推行”的改革原则早让“指挥棒”变了向, 让“独木桥”变得宽,上海高考就在悄无声息、潜移默化中发生着巨大的变化。“高考是指挥棒,这是不能回避的问题。尽管社会上对高考的认识仍存有误区,但上海高考改革20年让’指挥棒’ 逐淅清晰地指向质教育,这确是不争的事实!”李瑞阳坦言。 If the baton of the college entrance examination remains unchanged, the burden on the students will not be reduced: the baton of the college entrance examination will not change, and quality education will not be realized: the phenomenon that the baton of the college entrance examination will remain unchanged, and the pursuit of the rate of entrance to higher schools will not change. Such words are popular in society. It seems that some of the procedural issues that arise in education can be attributed to this baton. Is this true? No! The Shanghai Education Examination Institute Dean Li Ruiyang said: “This is a misunderstanding of the society’s understanding of the college entrance examination.” “Then, why? When we have implemented the autonomy proposition, since the implementation of the autonomous proposition, the Shanghai college entrance examination reform 20 years of context complete After sorting out, you will find a good reason—the principle of ”small steps without stopping, piloting and pushing again“. The principle of reform has already made the ”bail“ change, and ”the single-plank bridge“ has become wider. The Shanghai college entrance examination has undergone tremendous changes in silence and imperceptibility. “The college entrance examination is a baton. This is an issue that cannot be avoided. Although there are still misunderstandings about the college entrance examination in the society, it is indisputable that the Shanghai’s college entrance examination reform has made the ’baton’ clearly point to the quality education. Facts!” Li Ruiyang said frankly.
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