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金秋的燕赵大地,是一个硕果累累的季节。当辛劳一年的人们凝视那黄橙橙的果实、眺望那金色的田野时,位于冀中平原的华北油田分公司的员工们,也像丰收的农民一样,欢呼着油田又是一个丰收年—华北油田自中油集团公司1999年10月重组以来,年年喜事频传。2000年,新增探明油气可采储量757万吨,为年计划的107%,生产原油456万吨、天然气4.4亿立方米;实现经营收入80多亿元,账面利润25.9亿元,投资回报率创历史之最。跨入新世纪,今年上半年探明石油地质储量1360万吨,为年计划的60%;生产原油为年计划的50%以上,外供天然气为年计划的58.9%,投资回报率也分外喜人。人们在回首两年来所走过的路程,思考这其中取得喜人成绩的奥秘时,不约而同地要谈到一个人—他,自1961年走进石油高校,就把知识和才干献给石油事业,对石油情有独钟,无论多少艰难险阻,壮志不改。正如他在诗中写的:“石油,我的生命。”“多少次被干热灼痛了筋骨/多少次被泥泞搁浅了构想/多少次被崎岖撕乱了心声/多少次被暗礁撞碎了希望/但是/我依然追逐着石油/石油啊/使生命热血奔流。”他,一个地质专家,长期的地质工作使他养成了工作严细、善于思索、不懈追求的性格。当历史把他推上企业领导的舞台时,他以一个地质家执著的追求、 Autumn gold Zhao earth, is a fruitful season. When year after year people stare at the yellow orange fruit and look out over the golden fields, the staff of the Huabei Oilfield Company in the Jizhong plain, like the harvesting farmers, hailed the oilfield as another harvest year - Huabei Oilfield Since the reorganization of CNPC in October 1999, the annual weddings have been heard frequently. In 2000, it added 7.57 million tons of recoverable reserves of proven oil and gas, accounting for 107% of the annual plan, producing 4.56 million tons of crude oil and 440 million cubic meters of natural gas; operating income of more than 8 billion yuan, book profit of 2.59 billion yuan and investment return Rate the highest in history. In the new century, the proven reserves of petroleum geology reached 13.6 million tons in the first half of this year, accounting for 60% of the annual plan. The crude oil produced was above 50% of the annual plan and the natural gas supply was 58.9% of the planned annual plan. The ROI was exceptionally high gratifying. When looking back on the course of the past two years and thinking about the mystery of achieving gratifying results, people all need to talk about one man - he, who entered the petroleum colleges and universities in 1961, dedicates his knowledge and talents to the oil industry. Soft spot for oil, no matter how hard the obstacles, ambition not change. As he wrote in the poem: “Oil, my life.” “How many times has been burned by dry heat? How many times has been run out of mud? Conception / How many times has been torn apart by ruggedness / How many times has been crushed by a reef Hope / But / I still chase the oil / oil ah / make life go. ”He, a geologist, long-term geological work so that he developed a work hard, good thinking, relentless pursuit of character. When history put him on the stage of enterprise leadership, he was a pursuit of a geologically dedicated,
尹世杰 男,1922年 9月生,湖南洞口人,中共党员,1946年毕业于湖南大学经济系,并留校任教,1951—1953年被保送到中国人民大学研究生班学习。1954—1976年任武汉大学经济系党总支书记、系主任,1977—1992先后任湘潭大学政
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我以前一直笑称自己是个群居动物,连上厕所都要拉着朋友的手去。记得当时学校食堂偶尔会有人一个人坐着吃饭,我心里总是会默默地可怜那个人,然后想:反正我打死都不一个人吃饭,感觉太奇怪了。  那时我怎样也不会想到,曾经的理想生活终究还是在我去中东读书之后被击得粉碎。  刚去读大一的时候,我不记得和多少人说过,以后我们可以一起去上课,一起去图书馆,一起出去玩,一起八卦。  可是大学的环境,中东的氛围却和我想