就事说理 事理交融——读《关于中小学毕业生参加农业生产问题》

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1957年4月8日,人民日报发表过一篇很有影响的社论,题为《关于中小学毕业生参加农业生产问题》。这篇社论是根据刘少奇同志当时在湖南省长沙市中学生代表座谈会上的讲话整理的,后来收入《刘少奇选集》。五十年代中期,百废俱兴。随着我国国民经济的恢复和发展,我国教育事业也有了很大发展。这本来是一个非常可喜的现象,但随之也带来一些新的矛盾。其中一个突出的问题,就是大量的中小学毕业生不能升学,而且逐年增多。中小学毕业生出路何在?已成为全社会 On April 8, 1957, the People’s Daily published an influential editorial titled “On the Issue of Primary and Secondary School Graduates Participating in Agricultural Production.” This editorial is based on the speech made by Comrade Liu Shaoqi at the symposium on behalf of middle school students in Changsha City, Hunan Province at the time, and later the income was collected by Liu Shaoqi. The mid-fifties, all waste. With the restoration and development of the national economy in our country, there has also been a great development in our education. This would have been a very gratifying phenomenon, but along with it brought some new contradictions. One of the outstanding problems is that a large number of primary and secondary school graduates can not go to school and increase year by year. Where is the way for primary and secondary school graduates? Has become the whole society
除虫菊(Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium)是菊科多年生草本植物,是目前世界上唯一集约化种植的杀虫植物。除虫菊的杀虫活性物除虫菊素(pyrethrins)具有高效、低毒、广谱、低残留等优良杀虫特性,对人、温血动物和环境没有危害,已成为当今无公害生物杀虫剂的重要研究热点之一。除虫菊素主要在除虫菊花中合成,其含量占整个植株的95%以上,而干花中除虫菊素含量在1.2-2.0%。目