
来源 :当代体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beiduwill
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1994年世界体坛上的“优秀剧目”不少,冬季奥运会、亚运会、体操、举重、篮球、排球、游泳、羽毛球、乒乓球都有激烈的争斗,但是,最令人惊心动魄的还要数那个世界杯足球大决战。 综合运动会 第十二届亚运会——将于1994年10月2日至16日在日本广岛举行。亚奥理事会的42个成员国和地区均将参赛,其中包括前苏联的5个中亚共和国,届时将有7300多名运动员参加34个比赛项目的337枚金牌的争夺。本届比赛项目比北京亚运会多7项,不但包容了北京亚运会的所有比赛项目,而且把北京亚运会的表演项目也列入正式项目。新设的7个项目是:捧球、软式网球、跆拳道、空手道、马术和现代五项。 In 1994, there were many “outstanding repertoire” on the world sports scene. There were fierce battles in the Winter Olympics, the Asian Games, gymnastics, weightlifting, basketball, volleyball, swimming, badminton and table tennis. However, the most amazing thing was that FIFA World Cup decisive battle. The 12th Asian Games of the Games will be held in Hiroshima, Japan from October 2 to October 16, 1994. The OCA’s 42 member states and regions will participate, including the five Central Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union, where more than 7,300 athletes will compete in the finale of the 34 gold medals in the 34 competitions. This event more than Beijing Asian Games seven items, not only includes all the Beijing Asian Games competitions, but also the Beijing Asian Games performances are also included in the formal project. The new seven projects are: ball, soft tennis, taekwondo, karate, equestrian and modern five.
分析了高速线材活套的基本原理和实际生产中引起活套不起套和套量不稳的原因。 The basic principle of the high-speed wire looper and the reason that the looper can n
锈色粒肩天牛目前在山东是国槐主要钻蛀性虫害。该文介绍了该虫在山东的分布、危害特点、形态特征、生活史、生活习性、天敌,并提出了一套有效的综合防治措施。 Rust-colored
This paper deals with finite element study of the scanning induction heating of the magnetic steel sheets in transversal flux devices,taking into account the ma
第七章 第二进攻者: 接应技巧 一、教学训练要点 (一)接应的作用 第二进攻者是直接从第一进攻者身后为其提供帮助的队员。一个队不可能总是带球向前,由此,后面接应是必不可
这个世界从来没有象他那样完美,迈克尔·乔丹连续三年获得 NBA 冠军和两届奥林匹克金质奖章。但是,这个人超越了体育的限度,用一般的措辞来形容这个篮球运动员是不适当的,乔