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  I looked out of the window—the incoming rain. Yet my mum had passed away when I arrived at the hospital.Those who behind her passed me a notebook and then I looked at it—a wonderful beach on the cover.I opened it, with a picture in it.It was of our family—smiling and playing for the camera on our vacation to the Sumshine Beach last year.She always had a big smile, smiling for the joy, for the success, even for the failure along with sadness.I could not hold back my tears while seeing the photo, thinking of everything about her.But next to me were my two sons –looking at my behaviors and expressions.I tried to keep calm, continueing to read the book, which seemed that she filled the book with some diaries.I started to read:
  “On 13.Sept. 1977:I did succeed!I was admitted to enter my dream university.”
  “On 7. Jun.1981:I was given a chance to do a speech of the experience about study at my graduation ceremony due to my excellent bahavior and grades.Feeling nervous, but I still I want to try my best.”
  “On 21.Mar.1983:My first job came.”
  “On 15.Sept.1986:My daughter was born today.I felt more than satisfied, and so did my husband.”
  “On 17.Apr.1988:Taught Mary to walk and speak.Tired as I felt, I would continue.”
  “On 23.Nov.1992:I felt so tired recently with more extra work than usual.Sometimes I even fell asleep in my office at midnight.”
  “On 3.Sept.2000:My mum passed away today.It saddens me to accept the case.”
  “On 24 .Apr.2017:I knew that I was going to die.I don’n want to end up so early with so many regrets left.”
  The last of it was a letter:
  “It is common for us to die one day.Everthing goes well, no matter shoes death occur, and so is your life.
  I know it is hard to do something for my age.But you are young with much time to do many things to achieve your dream and even change the world.Throw away your disadvantages, such as laziness and lack of ambition.Be the best as you can be.Do not regret when you grow older…”
  I did not continue to read, I knew how hard she was every time.Yet she had lived a so great life with almost every goal of her achieved.And she knew what would influence me or make me failed.
  The next day was her funeral, on our arrival, the priest started the memorial speech, ’I have a strong belief that there are no accidents or coincidents in this wolrd.I am confident in the idea that everything happens for a reason and that the people we met come into our lives for a reason, to touch us in some way or probably even change the our lives, though the reason may not be clear at first.I did not know Kelly for a long time, and in all honesty not very well.For those who did not know her, I’d like to share some of what I know, in the hope thateven though Kelly cannot physically be here today, part of her may live on in each of us.   Kelly was in my opinion, the most warm-hearted person I have ever known.She was always long to learn new things, to put them into practice.Every time she learned new things, you could see sparkle in her eyes.She was a child at heart who was not impressed with this world including some gloom.Kelly had a special interst and was gifted in language, medicine and reading.She has volunteered in almost every corner of Asia, Africa and South America.She regarded the people there as her own children.In today’s world people are too utilitarian, they just seek to look through you.Nevertheless, Kelly was always understanding the great importance of being a child at heart, yet the grace of adults.Kelly was also brave and independent, she went to college on her own at her 17 without her parents.As she grew into manhood, she ventured into the unknown lands to explore new things, to challenge herself.So I want to tell you all that we are suppoed to leran as much as we can from the examples she left us, and keep Kelly in your heart, looking forward to the day we met her again.
  I looked out of the window—the incoming rain to stop.I stepped out of the Cathedral.I knew I needed to do something to change myself.
【摘要】不久前,我有幸去加拿大多伦多参加苏安学院组织的英语课堂活动设计培训。一个月的学习,我受益匪浅。本文将先进的国外课堂活动进行选取,找出不少适合中国课堂的一些活动。从学生的听说读写等多方面出发,设计出有针对性、趣味性的课堂活动,以此与大家一起尝试。  【关键词】英语课程 活动设计 听说读写  外语教学的具体实施过程主要在课堂。以往对课堂教学的评价更多注重教师对大纲要求和教材内容的把握是否准确,
【摘要】思维导图是一种依靠图形辅助学生记忆的工具,它在小学英语教学中被广泛运用。思维导图主要通过学习、记忆、思考等方式,发散学生的思维,让学生逐步的参与学生的英语课堂教学活动,以提升学生学习英语知识的效率。本文以译林版牛津英语五年级上册Unit 8 At Christmas为例,对思维导图在小学高年级英语阅读课中的应用进行了分析,进而不断增强英语阅读课堂教学的质量和水平。  【关键词】小学英语 思
【摘要】新时期下,随着新课标的全面实行,要求初中英语要给予阅读教学以充分重视,注重对学生英语素质的培养。在此背景下,本文主要针对有声思维法在初中英语阅读教学中的优势和运用进行分析和阐述,希望给予我国教育行业以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】有声思维法 初中英语 阅读教学 优势 运用  通过相关实践证明,阅读对于英语教学具有关键作用,在初中阶段,学生的英语水平不高,而传统的英语教学模式主要以读写为主,没有
【摘要】随着小学教育改革的深入,对英语教学也提出了新的要求,教师要重视学生英语兴趣的激发,帮助建立英语学习的自信心,使得学生在小学阶段具有全面的英语技巧。因此,教师要从学生的英语基础出发,锻炼学生的听音、拼写和运用能力,改进词汇教学策略,有效提高课堂教学效率,保证词汇教学开展的成功,为学生未来英语学习打下坚实的基础。本文结合小学英语教学现状,探究词汇教学策略改进措施。  【关键词】小学英语 词汇教
【摘要】本文基于英汉平行语料库,对“tend to 动词”结构及其汉语译文对应结构进行检索和分析。分析结果显示:1.存在该结构与“倾向于”的对应,但不是主要形式,主要对应形式是,“tend to”对应汉语概率及频率副词修饰不定式动词对应的汉语谓语;2.与该结构对应的“倾向于”可以替换成概率副词;3.有少数零对应和对应能愿动词的情况。  【关键词】翻译语言 tend to 对应 平行语料库  引
【摘要】本文将研究范围锁定农村,重点关注农村初中英语的教学情况。通过对农村初中英语的教学现状的分析研究,本文将对英语教学的进一步发展提出一些建议。希望这些建议能够给英语教学的发展提供帮助。在研究方式上,笔者扩大了研究范围,并且更为注重实际情况的分析,这与过去直接在英语教材中心进行英语教学研究的研究方式并不相同。因此也希望本文不同以往的研究视角能够给后来人一些启发。  【关键词】农村初中 阅读教学
【摘要】随着世界经济一体化的逐步成熟,英语学科的重要性不言而喻,全面提高小学生的英语水平便成为每一位英语教师所肩负的重任。基于此,笔者根据小学英语译林版中的教学内容,就如何构建高效的小学英语教学课堂提出几点建议和思考,旨在启发广大英语教师充分发挥自身优势灵活使用多种教学手段,优化课堂教学。  【关键词】小学英语 高效课堂 构建策略  新课程的全面改革不仅给现代教育提供了全新的机遇,也给当下各科的教
【摘要】本文主要结合高职商务英语专业学生的心理特征和自身性格特点,从学生的角度出发,针对商务英语对高职学生工作的发展和其本身的重要性,进行了分析和概括,讨论了高职学生应该不断加强商务英语水平的提高和锻炼,并努力适应时代的快速发展和社会的殷切需要。  【关键词】高职学生 商务英语 英语学习力  高职院校的学生和在普通高中的时候相比,有很大的不同。高职学生在普通高中的任务是以学习为主,而进入高职院校则