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咳嗽晕厥综合征(cough syncope syndrome)国内1964年首例报告。笔者在工作中曾遇1例,现报告如下。 患者武××,男,64岁,工人,住院号0097,因咳嗽、气短、胸闷10余年于1985年1月5日入院。患者10余年来经常咳嗽、气喘、胸闷,咳白沫样与脓性黄痰,已先后5次在多家医院治疗,近因咳嗽加重入院。患者在某陶瓷厂从事原料粉碎作业8年,既往无癫痫病史。查体:T 37.2℃,P 92次/分,R 24次/分,BP 110/70mmHg,一般情况可,慢性病容。桶状胸,双肺叩诊呈清音,肺下界下移达11肋处,两肺可闻及干湿性啰音。心脏(-),ECG示窦性心动过速。血Rt:WBC 7100/mm~3,N0.74,L 0.24,单核2%。胸部正位片:双肺纹理增多,增 Cough syncope syndrome (cough syncope syndrome) The first report in 1964 in China. I encountered in the work of a case, are as follows. Patient Wu × ×, male, 64 years old, worker, hospital number 0097, due to cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, more than 10 years in January 5, 1985 admission. More than 10 years of patients with regular cough, asthma, chest tightness, cough foamy and purulent yellow sputum, has 5 times in many hospitals for treatment, due to cough increased admission. Patients in a ceramic factory in raw materials crushing operations for 8 years, no previous history of epilepsy. Physical examination: T 37.2 ℃, P 92 beats / min, R 24 beats / min, BP 110 / 70mmHg, in general, chronic disease. Barreled chest, percussion was a clear voice of the lungs, lower lungs down to reach 11 ribs at the lungs can be heard and wet and dry rales. Heart (-), ECG showed sinus tachycardia. Blood Rt: WBC 7100 / mm ~ 3, N0.74, L 0.24, mononuclear 2%. Chest anteroposterior film: lungs increased texture, increase
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