
来源 :四川水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyxxlyxx
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成勘院从科学技术要面向经济建设,服务于经济建设出发,根据西南地区水电建设的实际,承担了“六五”和“七五”国家重点科技攻关项目,通过攻关一方面取得了一批具有科技导向性的筑坝新技术和具有国际先进水平的科研成果,并分别获国家、部、省级科技进步奖,提高了成勘院整体技术水平;另一方面把科研成果直接应用于大型水电工程的勘测、设计、施工和运行的生产实践,取得了显著的经济效益,仅“七五”国家重点科技攻关四项专题成果的采用共节约投资2.6亿元。1991年水规总院将成勘院部分重点科研成果列入“八五”水利水电勘测设计新技术推广项目,在上级的正确领导和大力支持下,成勘院的科技成果向实现生产力转化做了大量工作,取得了新的进展。 In order to make science and technology oriented to economic construction and serve economic construction, the Institute has undertaken the key scientific and technological projects of the “6th Five-Year” and “Seventh Five-Year Plan” in accordance with the actual conditions of hydropower construction in the southwest, and obtained a batch of It has technology-oriented dam-building new technologies and scientific research achievements with international advanced level. It has won the national, ministerial and provincial scientific and technological progress awards respectively, which has improved the overall technical level of the survey institute; on the other hand, it directly applies scientific research results to large-scale The production practice of surveying, designing, construction and operation of hydropower projects has achieved remarkable economic benefits. Only the use of the “July 5” national key scientific and technological breakthroughs for the four thematic achievements resulted in a total saving of 260 million yuan in investment. In 1991, the Water Regulatory General Institute listed some of the key scientific research achievements of the Institute as part of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” new project for the promotion of water conservancy and hydropower survey and design. With the correct leadership and strong support from the superior, the Scientific and Technological Achievements of the Exploration and Distribution Institute have achieved a transformation in productivity. A lot of work has been made and new progress has been made.
1991年 2月7日至8日我会在成都召开了二届五次理事会(扩大)会议,有67位同志参加了会议。会议传达了中国水电学会第三次会员代表大会精神和有关文件;通报了“西南水电能源基
一、前景与现状的巨大反差 社会主义市场经济体制目标的确立,展示着我国经济即将进入一个高速发展时期。与国民经济高速发展相对应。我国建筑行业面临着一个广阔的发展前景