
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanlian2008
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本刊解答问题的目的,在於帮助教师进修,提高教学质量,所以本刊解答问题的范围应该是:一、与教学有关的,如教材、教学法、品德纪律教育等方面的问题;二、教育行政方面的,如教育方针、政策、制度等;三、教师学习方面的,如学习制度、学习组织、学习材料等。有的教师提的问题与教学无关,如:“小便时为什麽要摇头?”“狐臊是怎样产生的?怎样治疗?”“毛主席家里有几个人?”这些问题我们认为没有答覆的必要,就不准备答覆. 有的教师提的问题虽与教学有关,但没有向儿童讲解的必要,不讲也不会影响本课教学目的的贯彻,或者讲了倒使儿童增加了不必要的负担,这样的问题也希望教师不要提出。例如六年级国语“一个伤员的愿望”一课里说毛主席“送了亲笔题字的花圈”,读者来信问:毛主席在花圈上究竟题了什么字?我们认为这一点知道固然好,不知道也没有 The purpose of the journal to answer questions is to help teachers to further their studies and improve the quality of teaching. Therefore, the scope of the questions to be answered by the journal should be: First, teaching-related issues such as teaching materials, teaching methods, moral discipline education, etc.; Second, education Administrative aspects, such as education policy, policies, and systems, etc. Third, teachers’ learning, such as the study system, study organization, and learning materials. Some teachers raise questions that are not related to teaching. For example, “Why do you have to shake your head when urinating?” “How did the fox scars come from? How do you treat?” “There are several people in Chairman Mao’s family?” We don’t think there is a need to answer these questions. No questions are answered. Some teachers raise questions that are related to teaching but they are not necessary to explain to children. Failure to speak does not affect the implementation of the teaching objectives of this lesson, or it adds to the unnecessary burden on children. Such a problem also hopes that teachers will not propose it. For example, in the sixth grade Mandarin “Wishing for a Wounded Wife” lesson, Chairman Mao “sent a wreath with a handwritten inscription,” and the reader wrote a letter asking: What is Chairman Mao’s title on the wreath? We think it’s okay to know this, don’t know nor