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风景名胜区绿化是一门新兴的园林分枝学科.1985~1986年在对全国一些重点风景名胜区进行调查研究和绿化规划的基础上,为恢复和发展风景名胜区的植物景观,维护生态平衡,提出在绿化中应遵循的原则和方法。根据风景名胜区的自然条件和植被现状:面上绿化控制和改造单一树种组成的人工群落,模拟自然群落,设计多种复层的人工经济植物群落;景区景点绿化,总结、推广、提高民族经济植物配植的传统方式;游览路线配植体现热带风光的风景林带。使风景名胜区绿化达到功能上的综合性,生态上的稳定性,经济上的合理性,风格上的民族性,景观上的热带性。 The greening of scenic spots is an emerging branch of gardening. From 1985 to 1986, on the basis of surveys and afforestation plans for some key scenic spots in the country, it was proposed to restore and develop the plant landscapes in scenic spots and maintain ecological balance. The principles and methods that should be followed in greening. According to the natural conditions of the scenic spot and the current status of the vegetation: the artificial tree consisting of a single tree species is controlled and rehabilitated on the surface, the natural community is simulated, a variety of layers of artificial economic plant communities are designed, the scenic spots are greened, the scenic area is popularized, the promotion is promoted, and the national economic plant is improved. The traditional way of planting; the tour route is equipped with a scenic forest belt reflecting the tropical scenery. The greening of scenic spots will be functionally comprehensive, ecologically stable, economically reasonable, national in style, and tropical in landscape.
(2004年6月18日)(梅市府〔2004〕12号)各县(市、区)人民政府,市府直属有关单位:现将《梅州市机动车辆道路通行费年(次)票制试行办法》印发给你们,请按照执行。 (June 18, 20
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