
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gsea
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凤豆6号8817—8—2是大理州农科所利用凤豆一号×82—2杂交育成的蚕豆新品种。1999年8月通过云南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。亲本主要特征:母本凤豆一号,株型紧凑,着荚角度小,着荚均匀,灌浆速率高,适应范围广,丰产性好,但籽粒性状较差,种皮破裂 Feng Dou 6th  8817-8-2  Dali Prefecture Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. by the use of Fengxian × 82-2 hybrid broad bean breeding new varieties. August 1999 through the Yunnan Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee. The main characteristics of the parent: the mother of the first Fengyu No.1, compact plant type, with a small pod angle, uniform pod, filling rate, adapt to a wide range of high yield and good, but poor grain traits, seed coat rupture