
来源 :中国输血杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heinblue
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目的通过分析骨科用血量变化的原因,了解医院用血管理措施实施以来取得的成效。方法回顾性调查2010年5~7月和2011年5~7月骨科手术总人次,申请输血人次,实际用血人次,红细胞、血浆平均输血量,自体输血比例。将骨科患者出院时的诊断作为病种分类,结合疾病发生解剖部位,将骨科手术分为脊柱外科疾病;髋、膝关节重建;四肢骨折或创伤;骨肿瘤或骨转移瘤以及其他,调查不同病种手术的红细胞、血浆申请量,输注量以及住院天数。结果 2011年5~7月骨科用血较2010年同期明显下降,红细胞输注量下降约50.4%,血浆输注量下降约48.4%,而且同种病种患者的平均住院日2011年5~7月较2010年均有不同程度减少。结论华西医院通过加强宣传,制定规范,严格监管,落实考核措施,使医务人员科学用血意识大大提高,临床科室通过严格掌握输血指征,积极技术革新,使临床用血更加合理。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reasons for the changes of blood volume in orthopedics and to understand the results achieved since the implementation of the hospital blood management measures. Methods The total number of orthopedic surgery, blood transfusion, actual blood use, red blood cells, average blood transfusion and autologous blood transfusion were retrospectively investigated from May to July in 2010 and May to July in 2011. The diagnosis of orthopedic patients discharged as a classification of diseases, combined with the anatomical site of the disease, the orthopedic surgery is divided into spine surgery diseases; hip and knee reconstruction; limb fractures or trauma; bone tumors or bone metastases and other, to investigate different diseases Surgical erythrocytes, plasma application, infusion volume, and days of hospitalization. Results The blood cost of orthopedics decreased significantly from May to July 2011 compared with that of the same period of 2010. The red blood cell transfusion decreased by about 50.4% and the plasma transfusion decreased by 48.4%. The average length of stay of the same type of patients was between 5 and 7 The monthly decreases from 2010 to the same extent. Conclusions Huaxi Hospital has strengthened its awareness of using blood by strengthening publicity, setting norms, strictly supervising and implementing evaluation measures. Clinic departments have made blood transfusion more accurate by strictly grasping the indication of blood transfusion and active technological innovation.
目的:研究丹参酮ⅡA和丹酚酸B对肝癌HepG2细胞株的作用,并探讨可能的分子机制。方法:采用MTT法观察丹参酮ⅡA和丹酚酸B对HepG2细胞的影响;采用Western blot分析可能的分子机
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国家汶川地震专家委员会主任马宗晋院士日前表示,目前,汶川地震灾害范围类别的评估已基本完成。划定了四川、甘肃、陕西等三省的极重灾区 Recently, Academician Ma Zongjin