Luminescence properties of Y2WO6:Yb3+/Er3+with enhanced red emission via upconversion

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eimayao
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The Er~(3+)/Yb~(3+) co-doped Y2 WO6 phosphors were prepared via high temperature solid method for the first time. The structure was investigated with X-ray diffraction(XRD). The crystal morphology was observed through scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Under the excitation of 980 nm diode laser,visible up-conversion(UC) emissions were observed in green and red regions. The luminescence study reveals strong ~4 S_(3/2) to ~4 I_(15/2) transition at 545 nm and strong ~4 F_(9/2) to ~4 I_(15/2) transition at 657 nm. The relative intensities ratios of red(510-580 nm) to green(640-690 nm) emissions(R_(R/G)) reduce when the samples co-doped with Yb~(3+) ions. The dependence of emission intensity on the pump power indicate that visible UC emissions are governed by two photons, meanwhile three photons process is also involved. For more details, the discussion is made in the energy level diagrams. The Er3 + / Yb3 + co-doped Y2 WO6 phosphors were prepared via high temperature solid method for the first time. The structure was investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD). The crystal morphology was observed Through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Under the excitation of 980 nm diode laser, visible up-conversion (UC) emissions were observed in green and red regions. The luminescence study reveals strong ~ 4 S_ (3/2) to ~ 4 I_ (15/2) transition at 545 nm and strong ~ 4 F_ (9/2) to ~ 4 I_ (15/2) transition at 657 nm. The relative intensities ratios of red (510-580 nm) to green 690 nm) emissions (R_ (R / G)) reduce when the samples co-doped with Yb ~ (3+) ions. The dependence of emission intensity on the pump power_the_overse UC emissions are governed by two photons, meanwhile three photons process is also involved. For more details, the discussion is made in the energy level diagrams.
【作者简介】  高怀林,医学博士,副主任中医师,河北省中医糖尿病治疗中心主任,河北以岭医院内分泌-糖尿病科主任。    糖尿病足是糖尿病患者致残的一个主要原因,血糖浓度长期居高不下,下肢血管被斑块、血栓阻塞,血流不畅,神经、组织缺血,就会引发糖尿病足,主要表现为足部疼痛、感染、破溃,严重者可以导致截肢。在国外住院的糖尿病人中,该病占47%,国内可达8%~12%。早发现、早预防、早治疗是避免糖尿病患
中医里有一个派别叫“八法流注派”,把疾病和其产生的时间对照,选取相应穴位来治病,也可以把这种医学称之为“时间医学”。在中医的历史上,早在《黄帝内经》诞生的年代,古代的智者就发现了时间是疾病的根源之一,并且把针对时间导致疾病的五运六气学说写入了《黄帝内经》中。在《黄帝内经》之后,历代针灸大师更是密切观察时间与人体穴位开阖的影响,而一步步创造并发展了针灸选穴的时间医学流派。  上期讲到,八脉交会穴就是